Fillable Printable Sponsorship Agreement
Fillable Printable Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsorship Agreement

Sponsorship Agreement
This Sponsorship Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the [date] (“Effective Date”)
by and between:
(1) University College London Union [club or society name] (“the Recipient”), a student-run
association affiliated to University College London Union and;
(2) [company name and address] (“the Sponsor”)
As part of this agreement, The Sponsor has agreed to provide financial support to the Recipient subject
to the terms and conditions laid out in this agreement.
1. Sponsorship Period
1.1. This agreement shall be deemed to have commenced on [date] and shall continue until [date]
(“the Sponsorship Period”).
At this point, there are usually clauses about the termination of the contract due to withdrawal of
the sponsor after a report or something similar. A mention of ‘no monetary penalty’ from the
withdrawal is often included as well.
2. Sponsorship Fee
2.1. Subject to the provisions of this agreement and to the Recipient performing its obligations
hereunder and in consideration of the rights granted by the Recipient to the Sponsor, the Sponsor
agrees to pay a Sponsorship Fee of [£amount] per annum (excluding VAT) (“the Fee”).
Included in the above clause, you can lay out the payment schedule. For example, it can be paid in
one lump sum or two+ separate payments throughout the year. You may wish to have half in term 1
and half in term 2 to help monitor the usage of the monies.
2.1.1. Invoices are to be sent to:
[Name of contact at sponsor
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Post Code]

2.2. The Recipient acknowledges and confirms that, save as otherwise expressly recorded in this
Agreement; the Sponsor shall not be liable to the Recipient or any other person for any additional
cost or expense besides the annual Sponsorship fee.
3. Sponsor’s Rights
3.1. In return for the Fee laid out in point 2, the Recipient shall provide *sponsor’s name+ with the
following benefits:
Here you will list all of things that the sponsor wants you to do in return for their sponsorship fee.
You should discuss this with your sponsor prior to submitting it to us and this may include something
similar to the following...
The Society will assist the sponsor] with the promotion of its events, careers opportunities
and job application deadlines through society e-mails and newsletters as well as facebook
Promotional material of the sponsor shall be distributed at specific society run events
throughout the length of this agreement.
The sponsors logo shall be displayed on all promotional material and electronic newsletters
distributed related to the society’s events. (This will normally have a link to the logo they
wish you to use in an appendix at the back).
The Sponsor will be granted the opportunity to host and speak at up to two society events
over the course of the agreement.
3.2. The recipient agrees to provide a representative to the Sponsor, if they so wish, to report back
and ensuring the terms of the agreement are fulfilled.
3.3. The sponsor may require a clause about ensuring they are the main sponsor and will enjoy full
benefits of the contract and no other 3
party. This is up to you to decipher.
3.4. Some sponsor’s like a report that includes all documentation sent out by the recipient (your
society). This is, again, up to you to decide whether you want to bring this to their attention.

4. The Sponsor’s Obligations
In exercising the said rights and licences, the Sponsor shall, subject to receiving appropriate invoices,
pay the recipient the Sponsorship fee when the same falls due for payment as set out in Clause 2.
5. The recipient’s Exercise of Rights
The Recipient shall not use any of the rights granted herein and shall ensure that no member of the
Recipient shall make any public statement in a manner which, in the reasonable opinion of the
Sponsor, is or might be prejudice or defamatory to the image and reputation of the sponsor.
6. Renewal
The Recipient agrees to give the Sponsor first refusal to renew this agreement, with an option to
withdraw after one year if the terms of the Sponsorship deal are not being met.
7. Entire Agreement
This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties in relation to the subject
matter of this Agreement and supersedes any previous agreement, whether written or oral,
between the parties in relation to that subject matter.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, duly authorised representatives of each of the parties have executed this
Agreement as of the Effective Date.
*Sponsor’s name+
[Club or Society Name]
Appendix A
This is usually where the sponsor will place an image of the logo(s) they want you to include in all
documents/clothing etc