Fillable Printable Sponsorship Undertaking Form - UK
Fillable Printable Sponsorship Undertaking Form - UK

Sponsorship Undertaking Form - UK

Form SU07/12
The sponsor giving this undertaking must be resident in the United Kingdom (see Note 1)
Sponsored Person's (i.e. Applicant's) Details:
Full Name (please underline family name)
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Full Postal Address where the Sponsored Person will be residing in the UK :
Sponsor's Undertaking:
Full Name of Sponsor (please
underline family name):
Sponsor's Date of Birth:
Full Address of Sponsor (see Note 1 below):
Sponsor's Employer's details (company name and
full address):
Sponsor's National Insurance Number:
I hereby undertake that, if the sponsored person named above is granted leave to enter the UK on a
permanent basis, I shall be responsible for his/her maintenance, accommodation and care in the UK for a
period of five years from the date of their entry to the UK. I am further aware that the sponsored individual
will have no recourse to public funds for five years from the date of their entry to the UK.
If the sponsored person named above is granted limited leave to enter the UK, I shall be responsible for
his/her maintenance, accommodation and care in the UK without recourse to public funds for the duration of
that limited leave to enter.
I understand that this undertaking shall be made available to the Department for Work and Pensions in the
UK, who will take appropriate steps to recover from me the cost of any public funds paid to or in respect of
the sponsored person named above. I also understand that the Home Office may take appropriate action to
recover from me amounts attributable to any support provided under Section 95 of the Immigration and
Asylum Act 1999 (support for asylum seekers) to the sponsored person named above. I further understand
that I may be committing a criminal offence and liable to prosecution if, after I have given this undertaking, I
do not support the sponsored person named above and income support or income-based Jobseeker's
Allowance (under social security legislation) and/or support for asylum seekers (under immigration
legislation) is provided to or in respect of the sponsored person named above.
Note 1: The sponsor should provide evidence that he/she lives at the address given above. This evidence should
include one or more documents from the list below. Please note that applicants must also provide evidence of
their sponsor's ability to maintain and accommodate them without recourse to public funds.
Certified copy of deeds of sponsor's house
Letter from building society/bank confirming they hold a mortgage for the sponsor
Housing association/council rent book or other council letter confirming address of sponsor
Bill from a utility company (gas, water etc.)
Local authority letter (council tax)
Letter from any government department

Form SU07/12
I certify that this document, apart from this certificate, is an undertaking given in
pursuance of the lmmigration Rules within the meaning of the lmmigration Act 1971
as amended by the lmmigration and Asylum Act 1999.
Signed by , being a person authorised to
make this certificate on behalf of the Secretary of State.