Fillable Printable Statement of Information Form - New Jersey
Fillable Printable Statement of Information Form - New Jersey

Statement of Information Form - New Jersey

Custodian Statement of Information Complainant v. Custodian Agency GRC Complaint No. 200x-xxx
Statement of Information Page 1
State of New Jersey
Government Records Council
Statement of Information Form
This form is to be used by Records Custodians as their response to a complaint filed with
the Government Records Council (“GRC”) alleging the unlawful denial of a request to
access government records under the Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”), N.J.S.A.
47:1A-1 et seq.
An offer to mediate this complaint has been denied by one or more of the parties, or
mediation has not resolved the complaint, and the matter is now within the GRC’s
jurisdiction. The GRC will conduct an investigation as part of the adjudication of the
matter. The Custodian or the Custodian’s Legal Counsel may complete the Statement of
Information. However, the Records Custodian (or alleged Records Custodian) must sign
the Statement of Information. The GRC will also consider any legal briefs, additional
documentation or information submitted with the Statement of Information.
The signed Statement of Information must be returned to:
Government Records Council
In care of [Case Manager’s Name]
101 South Broad Street
P.O. Box 819
Trenton, NJ 08625-0819
Phone: (609) [Case Manager’s Telephone Number]
Fax: (609) 633-6337
E-mail: [Case Manager’s e-mail address]
The Statement of Information must be received no later than five (5) business days
from your receipt of this form. Failure to comply with this deadline may result in the
GRC adjudicating this complaint based only on the information submitted in the Denial
of Access Complaint by the requestor of the records.
Please note that by signing the Statement of Information, the Custodian (or alleged
Custodian) is certifying that a copy will be provided to the Complainant
simultaneously with it being provided to the GRC.
IMPORTANT: Do not provide any records or excerpts of records that the Custodian
claims is privileged or not accessible to the public under OPRA. A general description of
the records’ content will be sufficient.
“Records request” or “request” refers to the formal OPRA
request on which the complaint is based; “Requestor” or “Complainant” refers
to the person who made the request on which this complaint is based;
“Agency” refers to the public agency or subdivision of that agency to which
the records request was directed; and “Records Custodian” or “Custodian”
refers to the individual charged by the agency with the responsibility for
fulfilling the request for records on which this complaint is based.
Custodian Statement of Information Complainant v. Custodian Agency GRC Complaint No. 200x-xxx
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1. GRC Complaint Number: ____________________________________
2. Name of Complainant: ____________________________________
3. Name of (Alleged) Custodian: ____________________________________
Job Title of (Alleged) Custodian: ____________________________________
4. Custodian’s Public Agency: ____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
Fax: ________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________
5. Name of Custodian’s Legal Counsel: ____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
Fax: ________________________________________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________

Custodian Statement of Information Complainant v. Custodian Agency GRC Complaint No. 200x-xxx
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6. Attach a copy of the OPRA records request upon which this Complaint is based.
Please mark this attachment “Item 6.”
7. Indicate the date on which the Custodian received the OPRA records request upon
which this complaint is based. (If the Custodian did not receive an OPRA records
request, simply indicate “None received.”)
8. Indicate the date on which the Custodian responded to the OPRA records request
upon which this complaint is based. Provide all written documentation supporting the
Custodian’s response. If you use additional pages to respond, please mark each page
“Item 8.” (If the Custodian did not respond to the OPRA records request, simply
indicate “No response was given.”)
9. In keeping with the GRC’s statutory mandate to investigate alleged denial of access
complaints pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-7.e. and the court’s instruction that all
Custodians responding to denial of access complaints provide a document index
containing certain information to the GRC pursuant to its decision in John Paff v. NJ
Department of Labor, 392 N.J. Super. 334 (App.Div. 2007), the Custodian must
provide the document index table below. The document index table is required in
the table format presented below. Please mark the table “Item 9.”
An example of the required document index in table format is as follows:
List of all
responsive to
OPRA request
(include the
number of
pages for each
List the Records
Requirement and
Schedule for each
records responsive
to the
OPRA request
List of all records
provided to
Complainant, in
their entirety or
with redactions
(include the date
such records were
If records were
disclosed with
redactions, give
a general nature
description of
the redactions.
If records
were denied
in their
entirety, give
a general
description of
the record.
List the legal
explanation and
statutory citation
for the denial of
access to records
in their entirety
or with
Closed session
minutes for the
May 15, 2006
Council Meeting
May be archived
only (destruction
not allowed)
Closed session
minutes provided
with redactions on
June 20, 2007 (3
business days after
receiving the
OPRA request).
Redactions were
made only to
delete the
discussion of the
Council members
regarding the
personnel matter
of Jane Doe.
9.a. (allows
exemptions from
contained in other
state statutes to
apply under
OPRA) and
N.J.S.A. 10:4-12
(allows governing

Custodian Statement of Information Complainant v. Custodian Agency GRC Complaint No. 200x-xxx
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bodies to exclude
the public from
discussions of
For more clarification of the information required in the document index in table format:
A. An itemized list of all records responsive to the Complainant’s OPRA request that
were made, maintained, kept on file or received by your agency on the date of the
request, regardless of whether you deem such records are exempt from disclosure.
B. State the agency’s Records Retention Period (in years) and Destruction Schedule
(in years) for each record responsive to the request as established and approved by
the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Records Management Services.
C. Of the records responsive to the request, indicate which records, if any, were
provided to the Complainant, in their entirety or with redactions, and the dates
such records were provided.
D. Of the records responsive to the request and provided to the Complainant with
redactions, give a general nature description of the redactions.
E. Of the records responsive to the request, and not provided to the Complainant in
their entirety, give a general nature description of the record.
F. Specifically state the legal explanation and statutory citation (to OPRA or other
law that applies) for such denial based on a public agency’s burden of proving
that all denials of access are authorized by law pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-6 and
the court’s instruction to provide same in John Paff v. NJ Department of Labor,
392 N.J. Super. 334 (App.Div. 2007).
10. Specifically describe the search undertaken to satisfy the records request upon
which this complaint is based.
11. Specifically state the last date on which documents that may have been responsive
to the request were destroyed in accordance with the Records Destruction Schedule
established and approved by New Jersey Department of Treasury, Records
Management Services.
12. Provide all facts and legal arguments in support of the Custodian’s actions with
regard to the handling of the OPRA records request upon which this complaint is
based on an attached written statement marked “Item 12.”

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If the Custodian fails to complete this form completely and accurately (responding to each numbered
item specifically as directed and providing a document index in table format), this form will be
returned to the Custodian for proper completion thus prolonging the adjudication of the complaint.
By signing this Statement of Information, I certify that:
I am the Custodian charged by the public agency with the responsibility for
responding to the request for records on which this complaint is based; or
I am the alleged Custodian of an organization I do not believe to be a public
agency obliged under the provisions of OPRA;
The documents attached hereto are true copies of all documents sent or received
by the Custodian or the Custodian’s staff (records the custodian claims are
privileged or not accessible to the public under OPRA are not included);
A copy of this Statement of Information will be provided to the Complainant
simultaneously with it being provided to the GRC; and
The foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the
foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment
pursuant to the New Jersey Court Rule 1:4-4.
Signature: ______________________________________________________
Printed Name: ______________________________________________________
Job Title: ______________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________