Fillable Printable Statement of Work Template - New York
Fillable Printable Statement of Work Template - New York

Statement of Work Template - New York

THIS IS STATEMENT OF WORK dated [Date] (the “SOW”) to the Contract dated [Date] (the
principal place of business is [address], and Vendor, whose principal place of business is
at[address]. This SOW describes the scope of the NYSED’s implementation of the (Vendor
Name) (Solution Name). The purpose of the SOW is to provide an overall structure and
schedule for delivery of the system as it relates to implementation, training, maintenance and all
other services required to provide the solution.
Education Data Portal (“EDP”) Data Dashboard Solutions
NYSED Project Owner:
Vendor Project Owner:
All functionality as outlined in the RFP Attachment 6.2 – Detailed Requirements, as completed
by the vendor, will be expected to be part of the solution provided.
Major project milestones and deliverables are indicated in the table below. Please provide
estimated dates based on the assumed contract signing date provided:
Party Milestone Date Deliverable
Vendor 1. Contract
Signing (Year 1)
October 2012
Vendor 2. Revised work
plan approved
(Year 1)
Project Plan
Staffing Plan
Vendor 3. Specification for
signed off (Year 1)
Updated Detailed Requirements
Design Specification
Vendor 4. LEA selection
demo available
(Year 1)
Validated Pre-Production System
Test plans
Test Case Descriptions

User Accept
ance Test Scripts
Code Base Audit
Statewide Product Demonstration
Regional Product Demonstration
Vendor 5. UAT signed off
and product
launched (Year 1)
Usability Tests
Usability Test Results and Implementation Plan
Planning Sessions
Product Training
End-user Training Manual
System Training Manual
End-user System Documentation
Technical System Documentation
Hosting Services
Site and System Security Plan
Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan
Vendor 6. Post Launch
(Year 2 and
On-site Support
Warranties Maintenance and Support Services
Technical Support
Documentation Updates
Year 2 LEA Dashboard Selections
In the event of any inconsistency between the above and deliverables and delivery dates set out
elsewhere in this SOW, then such other deliverables and delivery dates will govern.
All deliverable invoicing will be consistent with the Deliverable Acceptance policy found in
Section 4.13.2 of the RFP. Invoicing for the Implementation Cost component (A) will be by
milestone as follows:
Milestone Payment Amount
1. Revised work plan
2. Specification for launch
functionality signed off
3. LEA selection demo
4. UAT signed off and
product launched
5. 90 days after launch 15%

Invoicing for
Annual Cost component (B) will begin after launch and be annual as follows:
Payment Date Payment Amount
payment Nov 1 25% of Annual Fee
payment Feb 1 25% of Annual Fee
payment May 1 25% of Annual Fee
payment August 1 25% of Annual Fee
The Annual Cost will cover the period from August 1 through July 30, prorated as necessary,
and be calculated as follows:
Annual Cost = Adjusted Unit Price multiplied by the sum of the Active Student Enrollment on the
most recent available BEDS day for all locations that have selected the proposed solution.
Daily prorating will occur when:
1) the SLA explicitly provides (e.g., service outage, etc.);
2) service is not provided for the whole year (e.g., late launch or contract termination); OR
3) locations switch providers, with NYSED approval, at times other than the annual
selection period.
The initial contracts will be based on an equal 33 1/3 % split across LEA’s will be adjusted
following each round of LEA demo and selection.
For the task requirements listed below (1-27) please decompose each major task into
anticipated sub-tasks or work elements.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts

ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
1. The Vendor shall refine and deliver its proposed project
plans consistent with agreements made during contract
negotiation. The plan should add ress:
Work Brea kdown Structure (WBS)
Project Schedule
Quality Management
Risk Management
Change Management
Acceptan ce Manageme nt
Issue Mana gement and Escalation
Implementation/Tra nsitio n (including migration plans)
2. The Vendor shall amend as needed its proposed staffing
plan (Attachment 6.6) that identifies individual resources
assigned to each of the pro ject activities.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
3. The Vendor shall update the detailed requirements.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
4. The Vendor shall translate the detailed requirements into a
design specification including technical architecture
specification, user Interface (e.g., “wire frames”) and
functional specifications, and data interf ace specifications.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts

ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
5. The Vendor shall deliver a validated system in the Pre-
Production environm ent. This shall incl ude:
ingestion of NYSED/LEA data from the SLI
interface with the SLI API
Integration to the SLI and NYSED Identity
Management System (including State and NYC
federation), RBAC System, and application
licensing sy stem
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
6. The Vendor shall document test plans defining:
the overall strategy for validating the functionality of the
the approach to ensure test coverage of each
the individual test cases that will be performed to execute
the testing strategy
the environments in which the tests will be conducted
7. The test plans shall incl ude:
testing objectives
scope of testing (both what is in and what is out of scope)
responsibilities (who will be performing the test)
testing appro ach
testing seque nce
defect reporting and criteria
8. The test case descriptions shall be traced to requirements
and include:
test data needed to execute the tests
precondition s required prior to the start of test
criteria for suspending and resuming testing
expected test results
9. The Vendor shall design and create User Acceptance Test
(UAT) scripts for NYSED approval or modification. Upon
NYSED request, additional specific UAT scripts will be

ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
The Vendor will subcontract with an industry-recognized
security firm (agreeable to NYSED) for a security audit of
the code base consistent with the requirements of the New
York State Office of Cyber Security applicable to State
agency information technology projects, with any material
findings and recommendations corrected at no additional
cost. The Vendor's security measures are subject to
review and approval by NYSED, both through an informal
audit of policies and procedures and/or through inspection
of security methods used within the researchers’
infrastructure, storage, and other phy sical security.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
11. The Vendor shall develop and deploy usability tests.
12. The Vendor shall conduct an analysis of the usability test
results and provide an implementation plan for incorporating
the results into the system.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
13. The Vendor shall develop end-user system documentation
using a NYSED-owned wiki tool. End-user roles will include
educators, parents a nd students.
14. The Vendor shall develop technical system documentation
using a NYSE D-owned wiki tool.
15. The Vendor shall deliver updates to the end-user and
technical system documentation described above for the
Demo release, the full production release and any
subsequent relea ses offered by the Vendor.

ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
16. The Vendor shall provide staff support on-site for 60 days.
17. The vendor shall comply with the terms described in
Attachment 6.4 Maintenance an d Support Services.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
18. The vendor shall comply with the terms described in Attachment
6.4 Maintenance and Support Services.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
19. The Vendor shall attend pl anning sessions with NYSED and the
Content Management and System Services vendor to plan for
the development of (a) end -user documentation, (b) help desk
materials and strategy, and (c) training/professional
development materials and strategy. Sessions will be held as
• Initial session – to be held in Albany, duration up to five (5)
• Follow-on session s – three additional one (1) day sessi ons
in Albany, approximately every six months through e nd of
Year 2 (12 days total)
• NYSED will provide meeting space

ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
20. The Vend or shall provide product traini ng to the Content
Management and System Services vendor for (a) data
dashboard function ality, (b) end-user documentation, and (c)
help desk materials a nd strategy and training/professional
develop materials and strategy (the Data Dashboard vendors
will provide electronic copies of all materials to the Content
Management and System Services vendor):
• Initial session – to be held in Albany, duration up to five
(5) days
• Follow-on sessi ons – three addition al one (1) day
session s to be held in Albany, approximately every six
months through end of Year 2 (4 days total)
• Training sessions will acco mmodate up to 30 people per
• NYSED will provide training facilities (room, PCs,
Internet connectivity, projector, etc.)
21. The Vendor shall develop and deploy using a NYSED-owned
wiki tool an end-user training manual.
22. The Vendor shall develop and deploy using a NYSED owned
wiki tool technical system training manual.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
23. The vendor shall comply with the terms described in Attachment
6.3 Hosting Services.
24. The vendor shall provide a site and sy stem security plan.
25. The vendor shall provide a backup and disaster re covery plan.
ID Requirement Sub-Tasks/Work Eleme nts
26. The Vendor shall provide a Statewide product demonstration (via
27. The Vendor shall provide at least twelve (12) regional live product
Please state any applicable assumptions.