Fillable Printable Statutory Declaration Form - City of Melbourne
Fillable Printable Statutory Declaration Form - City of Melbourne

Statutory Declaration Form - City of Melbourne
St ate of V i ctori a – E vi dence Ac t 1958
, ___________________________________________________________________ ,
[f ul l name]
of ___________________________________________________________________ ,
_______________________________ , do solemnly and sincerely declare that:-
I acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct, and I make it with the understanding
and beli ef t hat a person who makes a false declarat i on i s l iable t o t he penal t ies of perjury.
Declared at _________________________
in the St ate of Victor ia, this _______ day of
___________________ 20 ____ .........................................................
Signature of person m aking t hi s decl aration
[t o be signed in front of an authoris ed witnes s]
Before me,
Signature of authorised witness
The authori s ed witness must pri nt or stamp hi s or her nam e, address, and t i tle under s ecti on 107A of the E vidence Act 1958 [ Vic.]
(eg. Just i ce of the Peace, P harmacis t, P ol i ce Off i cer, Court Regis trar, B ank Manager, Medical Pract i tioner, Dentis t)
State of Victoria – Evidence Act 1958
A Justice of the Peace or a Bail Justice
A Notary Public
A barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court
A clerk to a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme
Court [barristers’ clerk]
The Prothonotary or a Deputy Prothonotary of the
Supreme Court, the Registrar or a Deputy Registrar
of the County Court, the Principal Registrar of the
Magistrates’ Court or a Registrar or Deputy
Registrar of the Magistrates’ Court
The Registrar of Probates or an Assistant Registrar
of Probates
The Associate to a Judge of the Supreme Court or
of the County Court
The Secretary of a Master of the Supreme Court or
of the County Court
A person registered as a Patent Attorney under Part
XV of the Patents Act 1952 of the Commonwealth
A member of the police force
The sheriff or a deputy sheriff
A member or a former member of either House of
the Parliament of Victoria
A member or a former member of either House of
the Parliament of the Commonwealth
A councillor of a municipality
A senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local
Government Act 1989
A registered medical practitioner within the
meaning of the Medical Practice Act 1994
A dentist
A veterinary practitioner
A pharmacist
A principal in the [State] teaching service
The [branch] manager of a bank
A member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia or the Australian Society
of Accountants or the National Institute of
The secretary of a building society
A minister of religion authorised to celebrate
marriages [not a civil celebrant]
A person employed under Part 3 of the Public
Sector Management and Employment Act 1998
with a classification that is prescribed as a
classification for statutory declarations or who
holds office in a statutory authority with such a
A fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives
• Any Judge or the Associate to any Judge
• A Master of the Supreme Court or the County Court
or the Secretary of such a Master
• A Justice of the Peace or a Bail Justice
• The Prothonotary or a Deputy Prothonotary of the
Supreme Court, the Registrar or a Deputy Registrar
of the County Court, the Principal Registrar of the
Magistrates’ Court or a Registrar or Deputy Registrar
of the Magistrates’ Court
• The Registrar of Probates or an Assistant Registrar
of Probates
• The Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the Legal
Profession Tribunal
• A member or former member of either House of the
Parliament of Victoria
• A member or former member of either House of the
Parliament of the Commonwealth
• A Notary Public
• [Solicitor]: A natural person who is a current
practitioner or registered interstate practitioner
within the meaning of the Legal Practice Act 1996
• A member of the police force of or above the rank
of sergeant or for the time being in charge of a
police station
• A person employed under Part 3 of the Public
Sector Management and Employment Act 1998
with a classification that is prescribed for receiving
• A senior officer of a Council as defined in the Local
Government Act 1989
• A person registered as a Patent Attorney under
Part XV of the Patents Act 1952 of the
• A fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives
Commonwealth of Australia
A statutory declaration under the Statutory Declarations Act 1959 (as amended) may be made before -
Part 1 - Members of Certain Professions
Chiropractor, Dentist, Legal practitioner, Medical practitioner, Nurse, Patent attorney, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Psychologist,
Veterin ary surgeon
Part 2 - Other Persons
Agent of the Australian Po stal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public
Au stralian Consular Officer, or Au stralian Diplomatic Officer, (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)
Bank officer with 5 or more continuous years of service
Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Chi ef execut ive officer of a Commonwealth court
Civil marriage celeb rant
Clerk o f a court
C ommissioner for Affida vits
Commissi oner for Declarati ons
Cred it union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association
Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
Hol der of a statu tory office no t specified i n another i tem i n th i s Part
Judge of a court
Just ice of th e Peace
Master of a court
Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants
Member of the Aust ral ian Defence Force who is:
(a) an officer; or
(b) a non-commissioned officer with the mean ing of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of
continuous service; or
(c) warrant officer within the meaning of that Act
Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Au stralia, the Au stralian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or
the National Institute of Accountants
Member of the Institute of Corporate managers, Secretaries and Administrators
Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, other than at the grade of student
Member of:
(a) the P arliament of the Commonwealth; or
(b) the Parliament of a State; o r
(c) a Territory legislature; or
(d) a l ocal government auth ority of a State or Territory
Minister of religion registered under Division 1 of P art IV of the Marriage Act 1961
Notary public
Permanent employee of:
(a) the Commonwealth or of a Commonwealth authority; or
(b) a S t at e or Territory or of a Stat e or Territory authority; or
(c) a lo cal government auth orit y;
with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this Part
Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an
office supplying postal services to the public
Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made
Pol ice Offi cer
Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court
Sen i or Executive Service officer of the Co mmonwealth , or of a State or Territory, o r of a Commonwealth, St ate or Territory authority
S her iff’s officer
Teacher [includ es a l ecturer, tutor or qual i fied pri ncip al ] employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution
Section 186 of the Commonwealth Evidence Act 1995, provides that an affidavit fo r use in federal courts, and in other courts exercising federal
ju ri sdicti on, may be sworn before any Justice of th e Peace, Notary Publ i c or Lawyer, without the issue of any commission for taking affidavits.