Fillable Printable Student Permission Form - Pennsylvania
Fillable Printable Student Permission Form - Pennsylvania
Student Permission Form - Pennsylvania
Event – Empire Experience Day:
This event is designed toprovidehigh school juniors and seniors with a day ofdiscoveryinto the wide varietyofin-demand careers in
the beautyindustry, and to experience Empire’sstate-of-the-art educationanduniqueschool culture; allin a dynamic, real-world
setting. Studentswill have theopportunityto enjoy hands-on participation in fun,creativeeducational sessions and spend qualitytime
with caring and experienced staffandeducators,as well as current students.Additionally, visiting our Student Salonwillenable
students tovisualize themselves in their futureprofession,providing qualityservices to their own clientele.
Date & Time:________________________
Empire Address:________________________
Empire Phone:________________________
Transportation: Responsibility of thestudent.
Cost & Fees: Costs formaterials, educational sessions and lunchprovided by Empire BeautySchools.
Required Attire:Closed-toe shoes; preferably with rubber or othernon-slip soles.
Parents(s) and/or Guardian(s):
Signed permission is mandatory for student attendance and participation:
My child, _______________________________, has mypermission to attend and participateinEmpire Beauty School’s scheduled
event. This event is comprised of educational sessions and activities that include manicuring and hairstyling products andtools, using
mannequins andfaux nail supplies. Exposure toadditional salon products e.g. chemicalpermanents and hair relaxants/texturizers,
etc.,andtools for a varietyofclient services including but not limitedtocuttingshears are in use duringattendance andtouringthe
educationalfacility. If time permits, students may receive non-chemical salonservices includingmanicures and/orhair styling, if
desired. Services areprovided bysupervised students.
My signaturegivespermission to allow Empire Education Group the right to use mychild’s name, voice, picture, portrait, likeness,
hometown, andprofession, purposeofpromotingtheproducts, services, styles, fashions, business, institutions, persons, orentities
related to Empire Education Group. This allows the right to digitize, publish, publiclydisplay, distribute, transmit, or broadcast byany
mediumnow knowndeveloped, in hard copy or electronic form, including the Internet, myname, voice, picture, portrait, signature,
and likeness in connection with EmpireEducation Group.
My signaturegivespermission formy child to receive emergency medical treatment.Emergency Contact Information:
Parent/GuardianName(PleasePrint)______________________ PhoneNumber ___________
HighSchoolName(Please Print) _________________________ Phone Number___________
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)
Internal Use:
For highschool attendance records, please copythis form,
attachthe Empire BeautySchool Career Development Specialist
Business Card, andreturn to student priortodeparture.
Student Permission Form