Fillable Printable Student Profile Sample Form
Fillable Printable Student Profile Sample Form

Student Profile Sample Form

Student Profile Form / Challenge Program
Person Completing Form ___________________________________ Relationship to Student __________________________
The purpose of this form is to gather information in order to provide the most appropriate educational services for each student. Please consider
each of the statements on both sides of this form. Check the appropriate box to reflect whether or not it is usually applicable to this child. Check
“Unsure” if you do not have enough information to make a determination.
This child . . ..
Evidence/Comments (list examples)
began to speak at an early age compared to peers.
is curious about many things, frequently asking questions such as “why?”
and “how?”
has an outstanding memory and possesses a wealth of information.
sometimes neglects details.
learns new things quickly.
uses an advanced vocabulary in an appropriate manner.
becomes totally absorbed in activities or thoughts of interest, sometimes
to the exclusion of other activities.
is passionately interested in some topic or field of endeavor.
prefers to complete one task before moving on to another.
grasps underlying concepts and can quickly make generalizations.
is able to see relationships, including cause and effect.
comes up with “better ways” for doing things and suggests them to
sees connections between apparently unconnected ideas and activities.
is sensitive to beauty and other people’s feelings and emotions.
has an advanced sense of justice and fairness.
has a mature sense of humor and loves to play with words and ideas.
uses creativity in storytelling.
is talented in music.
is talented in art.
is talented in drama.
is talented in movement.
Rev. 8/01 Over
Describe this child’s strength(s) as you have observed.
Describe this child’s interests.
Describe this child’s hobbies and/or collections.
Additional comments:
Rev. 8-01