Fillable Printable Student Teacher Evaluation Form - Illinois
Fillable Printable Student Teacher Evaluation Form - Illinois

Student Teacher Evaluation Form - Illinois

This form is a required component of the application process at Illinois Wesleyan University. Please fill in the student informat
ion below
and give the form and a self-addressed envelope to an instructor who has taught you in an academic subject. The envelope should
addressed to the IWU Admission Office, PO Box 2900, Bloomington, IL, 61702-2900. In lieu of this form, you may submit a letter of
recommendation from a guidance counselor or an instructor who has taught you in an academic subject.
Student Information
Student Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle
Street City State Zip
High School _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher Information
Illinois Wesleyan University appreciates your input in assisting us with the evaluation of candidates for admission. We are primarily
interested in whatever you think is important about the applicant's academic and personal qualifications for college. Thank you.
Teacher's Name_____________________________________________ Position _________________________________________
High School _________________________________________________________________________________________________
School Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s Phone ( _____ ) ____________________________________ Email ___________________________________________
Signature__________________________________________________ Date ____________________________________________
How long have you known this student and in what context?___________________________________________________________
What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student? ________________________________________________
Compared to other students you have taught, how do you rate this student in terms of:
Very Good One of the top
Below Good (well above Excellent Outstanding few taught
No Basis Average Average (above average) average) (top 10%) (top 5%) in my career
Creative, original thought
Independence, initiative
Intellectual ability
Academic achievement
Written expression of ideas
Effective class discussion
Disciplined work habits
Potential for growth
Please put any additional comments below or on the back of this form. You may also attach a separate letter of recommendation.
Post Office Box 2900 • Bloomington, Illinois 61702-2900 • (800) 332-2498 • fax: (309) 556-3820 •