Fillable Printable Sublet Contract Form - Waterloo
Fillable Printable Sublet Contract Form - Waterloo

Sublet Contract Form - Waterloo

This agreement made this ______ day of ________________, 20_____ between
(Hereinaf ter called the “Tenants” of the first part)
And ___________________________________________________
(Hereinafter called the “Sub-tenant” of t he second part)
Whereas the Tenants are signatories to a certain Tenancy Agreem ent dated this ______ day of
_________________, 20_____ between
And _____________________________________________
And whereas t he Tenants are desirous of subletting their premises and whereas the sub-
tenant s are desirous of occupying t he premises now curr ent ly rented by the tenants, municipally
k nows as ___________________________________________________Wa terloo, Ontario
and the parties heret o agree as follows:
1. The sub-tenants tenancy shall commence on _____________ 20____ and end on
_________ 20___.
2. The tenants may direc t the sub-tenants to pay the aforem entioned rent directly to the
Landlord or whomever the tenants direct.
3. The sub-tenant(s) shall pay the tenant(s) the sum of $________ per month for the period
Month Day Year Month Day Year
4. The sub-tenants shall abide by all ter ms and conditions in the T enancy Ag r eement dated
__________________________ 20_____. As if they wer e sig natories thereto.
5. The sub-tenants shall be bound by all of the terms and conditions in the aforementioned
Tenancy Agreement.
6. Any special conditions that are to apply to this agr eem ent are noted in Schedule “A” on the
reverse side of this document.
This agreement signed this ______ day of _________________, 20____.
______________________________ _____________________________
Sub-tenant Witness

Schedule “A”