Fillable Printable SWOT Analysis Sample
Fillable Printable SWOT Analysis Sample

SWOT Analysis Sample

How do we preserve,
protect, or enhance our
What makes your firm unique?
How does your client understand
what makes your firm special?
Other than being young and
ambitious (maybe a little cheaper
than the ‘traditional firm’), how
do you add value to your
In terms of your core team and
its management structure, how
adaptable is it to changes in firm
workload; so that you can staff
the projects you get while still
getting new projects?
Summarize the most innovative /
potent idea that you and your
partners have come to agree
upon - to date.
How do we capitalize
upon our opportunities?
How does your firm find new
market opportunities?
Describe your ideal client -
someone who is sure to benefit
from your firm’s services.
In what ways does your firm take
into account the emerging trends
in the global economy and
market place? - BRICS, out-
sourcing, urbanization, climate
change, etc.?
How will you and your partners
continue to innovate new prod-
ucts / project delivery methods?
How do we mitigate or
strengthen our weak-
How does your firm mind the
gap in capabilities - one firm
cannot do it all, what is your
method of overcoming strategic
How does your firm protect its
reputation, to retain and to
attract the most talented
individuals, and to have as many
clients come back as possible?
List you and your partners’
individual weaknesses, and how
you collectively overcome these
challenges. Now - list your
collective weakness and how
you plan to strategize against it.
Fortifying yourselves against
weaknesses you will realize one
cannot ‘do it all’ - how do you
How do we protect our-
selves from the threats?
What is the single most threaten-
ing factor to your firm - politics,
economics, sociological influ-
ences, etc?
What is the number one type of
firm or demographic that you
would not want to give access to
your firm ideology / organization
/ capability?
How can the constant innovation
in technology potentially threaten
your firm’s identity?
You know your current ‘rivals’ in
the industry - who will they be in
10, 15, 20 years?
So, you strategize against one
type of threat - how do you keep
your firm above other threats
that you did not previously