Fillable Printable Teens Behavior Contract Template
Fillable Printable Teens Behavior Contract Template

Teens Behavior Contract Template

Teen Signature: ____________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________
Date: ______________
Date: ______________
Terms of this agreement will be reviewed every ___________ (days, weeks, months) and changes made accordingy.
Behavior Contract: Tweens and Teens
I promise to work on these behaviour expectations:
Choose 3 of the following or create your own:
I will go to bed when asked
I will not interrupt
I will respect the property and privacy of others
I will not give in to peer pressure
I will present a positive attitude instead of being
negative, pessimistic or rude
I will get ready for school on time
I will use good manners
I will avoid behaviors that are aggressive, de-
structive or dangerous
I will listen and be attentive when spoken to
I will limit my use of technology (television, cell
phone, computer, video games, etc) to _____
I will _______________________________
I will pick up after myself
I will keep good hygiene
I will be sensitive to the feelings of others
I will complete my homework on time
I will avoid places and objects that are unsafe or
I will eat healthy foods
I will spend time with my family
I will take responsibility for my actions and not
blame others
I will treat others with respect
I will _______________________________
I will _______________________________
Reward for meeting these expectations:
Consequence for not meeting these expectations: