- Custodial Parent Application for Child Support Services - South Carolina
- Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) Affidavit - Florida
- Non-Custodial Parent Application for Child Support Services - South Carolina
- Petition/Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation Instructions For Completing DOM REL 7 - Colorado
- Supplemental Petition to Modify Parental Responsibility - Florida
- Child Custody Form - California
Fillable Printable Temporary Guardianship Agreement - Alabama
Fillable Printable Temporary Guardianship Agreement - Alabama

Temporary Guardianship Agreement - Alabama

Temporary Guardianship Agreement
I, _____________________________________________, of ___________________________________________
(print yourfull name) (street )
________________________________________________________, as the custodial parent of:
(city, state, zip)
List the full names of each child
List each child’s birth date
Do hereby grant temporaryguardianship of the above listed children to:
List the full names of the individual (s) towhom you are
granting temporary custody
List each person’s relationship to the child(ren)
Contact information of temporaryguardians listed above:
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone numbers: ________________________________________________________________________________
Statement of Consent: (To be signed in the presence of a legalized notary public.)
I, _____________________________________, hereby grant temporary guardianship of the above children, whom
I have legal custody of to ________________________________________________________________________:
□From ________________________________to ___________________________________
(mm/dd/yyyy) (mm/dd/yyyy)
□For as long as necessary, beginning on __________________________________________
In addition, in the event of an emergency or non-emergency situation requiring medical treatment, I hereby grant
permission for any and all medical and/or dental attention to be administered to my child/children, in the event of
an accidental injury or illness. This permission includes, but is not limited to, the administration of first aid, and the
use of an ambulance, and the administration of anesthesia and/or surgery, under the recommendation of qualified
medical personnel. I also grant permission for the guardian(s) named above to make educational decisions for my
Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
On this _______________day of _______________, _________, ________________________________________
(date) (month) (year) (name of parent)
personally appeared before me in ___________________________, _______________and, in my presence,
(city) (state)
has/have satisfactorily identified him/her/themselves as the signer(s) of this TemporaryGuardianship Form.
Affix Notary
Name of NotaryOfficial: ________________________________________________________Seal Here
Signature: _____________________________________________________Commission Expires: ______________