Fillable Printable Termination Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Termination Letter Sample

Termination Letter Sample
Manager HRD & Admin
…………………… (Name of Company)
Mr. /Ms …………………..
……………………. (Designation)
…………………….. (Dept)
Dear Mr. /Ms …………………
Sub: Termination of Services.
Ref: Our Letter No…../Performance/…..dated ………..
Our previous letter which is cited above may be referred to wherein you
were advised by your Head of Department to give more attention to your
duties and improve your performance. Inspite of this, no improvement has
been noticed in your performance.
Therefore, this is regretfully informed on behalf of the management that
your services have been terminated with immediate effect. You may obtain
clearance certificate from the account department.
Whishing you the very best of success in your future endeavours
Yours sincerely,
Copy to:
Accounts Dept
Place: ……………Dated ……………