Fillable Printable Template Letter Of Termination Of Employment
Fillable Printable Template Letter Of Termination Of Employment

Template Letter Of Termination Of Employment

Patient Address Certified Mail #_________________
Dear _________________:
This letter is to inform you that I will no longer be your physician and will stop providing
medical care to you effective 30 days from date you receive this letter.
I will continue to provide routine and emergency medical care to you for 30 days while you seek
another physician.
I suggest you consult the local physician referral service, your county medical society, or the
yellow pages of your telephone book as soon as possible so that you may find another physician
who will assume responsibility for your care.
I will be pleased to assist the physician of your choice by sending him or her a copy of your
medical records.
(Physician Signature)
Department of _____________________
1. Retype the letter onto TTUHSC letterhead;
2. A reason for the dismissal may be given but is not necessary;
3. Include the telephone numbers of the local physician referral service and county medical
society whenever possible.
4. Send this letter to patient by certified mail with return receipt requested and regular mail;
5. File copy of letter and delivery receipt in patient’s chart;
6. If unable to reach the patient by mail, or in the alternative, the letter may be hand-
delivered at an appointment and documented in the medical record;
7. This is a sample and may be modified - please call Risk Management for assistance.