Fillable Printable Textbook Evaluation Form - Delaware
Fillable Printable Textbook Evaluation Form - Delaware

Textbook Evaluation Form - Delaware

Textbook Review Form
Title of the proposed book: _______________________________________
Author/s: __________________________ _____________
Publisher: _________________ ______________________
Circle the approximate level: I II III IV V VI
Circle the major skill area/s: Grammar Reading Writing Vocabulary
Listening Speaking Pronunciation Idioms
Circle the content focus: General Academic Business Cultural
Other: ____________ ___________________
Evaluation Checklist
(adapted from a template by Patricia Byrd & Marianne Celce-Murcia)
Evaluation of the fit Yes Perhaps Probably Not Absolutely Not
(a good fit) (adequate fit) (a poor fit) (wrong for curriculum/
Fit between the textbook
and the curriculum:
* fits curriculum/goals ____ ____ ____ ____
* has appropriate
linguistic content ____ ____ ____ ____
* has appropriate
thematic conten t ____ ____ ____ ____
* fits the pedagogical
philosophy of the
course ____ ____ ____ ____
Fit between the textbook
and the students:
* explanations are
understandable/u sable
for the students ____ ____ ____ ____
* examples are
understandable/u sable
for the students ____ ____ ____ ____

Evaluation of the fit Yes Perhaps Probably Not Absolutely Not
(a good fit ) (adequate fit) (a poor fit) (wrong for curriculum/
* activities are
appropriate fo r students ____ ____ ____ ____
* thematic content is
understandable and
culturally app rop riate ____ ____ ____ ____
Fit between the textbook
and the teachers:
* provides explanations
usable by our teachers ____ ____ ____ ____
* provides examples
usab le and expandable
by our teachers ____ ____ ____ ____
* fits the needs and
preferences of teachers
(Is this a book th at you
personally would like
to use?) ____ ____ ____ ____
* provides in-book or
instructor’s manual
support for teachers ____ ____ ____ ____
* provides technological
support (CDs, Website,
CNN, NPR, etc.) ____ ____ ____ ____
Overall evaluation of the fit
of the book for this course
in this program:
* Should text be adopted? ____ ____ ____
* Additional comments:
* Submitted by (name): _________________ ________
* Date of review: ______________________________