Fillable Printable Sample thank you letter to Governor Rendell
Fillable Printable Sample thank you letter to Governor Rendell
Sample thank you letter to Governor Rendell
Sample thank you letter to Governor Rendell. You can also email him using this online
The Honorable Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Dear Governor Rendell:
I wanted to congratulate you on the establishment of Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts and the
expansion of Keystone STARS and Child Care Works in the FY07-08 budget and thank
you for continuing to be a champion for Pennsylvania’s children.
Programs like Keystone STARS and Child Care Works have made it possible for low-
income working families to afford reliable child care, for child care programs to improve
their quality and for all families to have a tool to gauge the quality of child care
programs. These programs have raised the bar and expectations for quality in early
childhood programs.
Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts will build upon this foundation by providing high-quality
pre-kindergarten to thousands of our children who need it the most. It will also help
strengthen the early childhood education system by encouraging partnerships between
school-based and community-based early learning programs. This is a great step forward
for Pennsylvania’s future.
[You may want to share here your personal experiences with quality early learning and
how you think PA Pre-K Counts, or the expansion of Keystone STARS and Child Care
Works will positively affect your community.]
Without your strong and dedicated leadership, our children will not be receiving this
great opportunity for a quality early education. Thank you for standing strong on behalf
our youngest and most vulnerable citizens.
cc: Secretary Donna Cooper
Secretary Steve Crawford
Secretary Michael Masch
Secretary Estelle Richman
Secretary Gerald Zahorchak
Contact information for Secretaries:
The Honorable Donna Cooper
Secretary for Policy and Planning
238 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Email: [email protected]
The Honorable Steve Crawford
Secretary of Legislative Affairs
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Email: [email protected]
The Honorable Michael Masch
Secretary of the Budget
238 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
The Honorable Estelle Richman
Secretary of Public Welfare
Health & Welfare Building, 3
Harrisburg, PA 17105
The Honorable Gerald Zahorchak
Secretary of Education
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Email: [email protected]