Fillable Printable Group Home Inspection Checklist
Fillable Printable Group Home Inspection Checklist

Group Home Inspection Checklist

Current Group Classification:(IBC 2006 Chapter 3) Staff member that sleeps at the
home is considered an Occupant and counted toward total number of occupants. I-1
IBC 308.2-GMC
open wiring splices/junction box covers
IFC 605.6
cover missing on lights
IFC 605.6
receptacle covers
IFC 605.6
open breakers
IFC 605.6
panel cover and label
NEC 110-22
extension cords not to be used as permanent wiring
IFC 605.5
multiplug adapters, surge protector type onl
IFC 605.4
extension cords not to run through doors, ceilings, walls, etc or subject to damage
IFC 605.5
emergency lights in egress path. (not in sleeping rooms)
IFC 1006.1
emergency lights on separate branch circui
NEC 700-15
Fire Walls and Doors
interior finishes per Table 803.3
IFC 803.3
firestopping required and maintained
IFC 703.1.1
Fire Extinguishers (NFPA 10 2007)
required for Group Home per polic
placement (per NFPA 10)
IFC 906.2
IFC 906.3
monthly inspection
NFPA 70-
annual inspection
NFPA 10-
size (minimum 2A)
IFC 906.3
obscured from view or blocked
IFC 906.5, 906.6
mounting (between 4" and 5" above grade
IFC 906.9
max 75' travel distance for class A
IFC 906.3
Hood System
Type 1 hood system required. (Minimum of Listed Residential Vented or Unvented hood
may be accepted as alternate for R-3 occupancy when requested in Writing and
IFC 609.2
Hood system fire suppression required. (Minimum listed residential system may be
accepted for R-3 occupancy as alternate method when requested in writing approved)
IFC 904.2.1
pull station in path of exit located 42-28 inches above floor (required for residential
alternate system in R-3 also) existing, approved alternate use of residential system will
require manual pull if system is ever changed or replaced.
NFPA 96 10-5.1
Class K fire extinguishers shall be provided for hazards where there is a potential for
fires involving combustible cooking media (vegetable oil, animal oils and fats).
NFPA 10-6.6.1
Sprinkler System is required for all R-3, R-4 and I-1 Group Homes (NFPA 13, 13R may
be used) (when built under the International Code)
IFC 903.2.5 & 903.2.7
IFC 1027.2
means of egress not reduced along path of travel
IFC 1003.6
storage in corridors/item in halls
IFC 315.2.2
emergency escape openings (properly sized window or door to outside
IFC 1025
Single Exit - 1 story, maximum of 10 occupant load and max. 75 feet travel to exit
IFC T-1018.2
minimum egress door width 32 inches
IFC 1008.1.1
all door hardware direct acting, requiring no more than one operation (See exception 4)
IFC 1008.1.8.5
exit discharge
IFC 1023
Stairs and Ramps
Group Home Inspection Checklist

landings minimum width, same as stairs
IFC 1010.5.1
minimum headroom 6'8"
IFC 1009.2
handrails 34-38 inches heigh
IFC 1012
openings< 4 inches
IFC 1013.3
guardrails 42 inches or greate
IFC 1013.2
ramp slope not to exceed 1:12 (1:8 if not an exit)
IFC 1010.2
ramp surface nonslip materical
IFC 1010.7.1
storage neat and orderl
IFC 315.2
storage not within 2 ft. of ceilings
IFC 315.2.1
trash containers >40 gal. required lid and made of noncombustible or approved material
IFC 304.3.2
street address number posted outside building
IFC 505.1
storage not permitted in electrical or mechanical rooms
IFC 315.2.3
gas equipment not permitted to be stored in unapproved areas
IFC 313.1
Fire Alarm/Detectors
(see IFC 907.3 for existing homes)
maintained operable
IFC 907.20.5
single or multi station smoke detector required in each sleeping room, outside of each
sleeping area, and each story to include basement and cellar.(see exception for I-1 at
IFC 907.
IFC 907.
when more than one smoke alarm required to be interconnected (except existing
IFC 907.2.10.3
provide air for combustion and ventilation for natural or LP gas appliance
NFPA 54 (06) 9-3
portable unvented fuel-fired heating equipment not permitted
IFC 603.4
class I and class II flammable or combustible liquids limited to 10 gal. without storage
cab. Or safety cans
NFPA 30 (08) 6.5.3
L.P gas storage per NFPA 58 (Maximum 200lb in containers not exceeding 2.7lb we)
NFPA 58 chapter 5