- International Student Affidavit of Financial Support - McHenry County College
- Affidavit of Support Form - Pennsylvania
- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
- Affidavit of Financial Support for Undergraduate Applicants - Kansas
- International Student Financial Affidavit - University at Albany
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form - New Jersey
Fillable Printable UHCL Sponsor's Affidavit and Declaration - Texas
Fillable Printable UHCL Sponsor's Affidavit and Declaration - Texas

UHCL Sponsor's Affidavit and Declaration - Texas

I,____________________________, ______________________of_____________________________,
Name of Sponsor (Please Print) Relationship to Student Name of Student
Hereby solemnly promise and declare that I undertake to maintain the above-named student during his/her stay in the
United States of America, and to repatriate him/her to ________________________________ at my own
( St ude nt’ s Home C oun t r y )
cost, if and when necessary; also that in the event of his/her dying in the United States I promise to bear all costs
associated with burial or cremation and transport of remains to __________________________________.
(Student’s Home Country)
I further certify that I now possess the financial resources to provide not less the $24,273.00 USD (for undergraduates);
$23,403.00 USD (fo r gradu ate stud ent s) ;
$27,661.00 USD (for undergraduate HADM students); $27,441.00 USD (for MHA
or MHA/MBA students) for the duration of study
toward the edu cational and living expenses of the abov e-named student
while in the United States. I understand that the educational and living expenses will approximate the $24,273.00
(for undergraduates); $23,403.00 USD (for graduate students); $27,661.00 USD (for undergraduate HADM students);
$27,441.00 USD (for MHA or MHA/MBA students) per year. This amount is based upon enrollment in 12 semester
credit hour s per sem est er, wh ich is fu ll-time for undergraduate students; 9 semester credit hours per semester, which is
full time for graduate students.
I have attached a Bank Statement indicating a minimum amount listed above in support of this affidavit.
Note: Graduate students may provide a bank statement showing a minimum of $30,000.00 USD available for their own
support, or sponsor’s bank statement showing a minimum of $24,273.00 USD. Additional dependents; add $5,000.00
USD for spouse & each additional dependent(s) add $4,500.00 USD.
________________________________________ _______________________________________
Sponsor’s Signature Sponsor’s Name (Please Print)
_________________________________________________________________ ___________________
Sponso r’ s Address Sponsor’s Country
This section is to be completed only if currently residing in the United States. NOTE: Persons in F1 or J1 sta tus ma y no t
sponso r anoth er stu den t!
Sponsor’s Place of Birth ___________________________ Sponsor’s Date of Birth______________________
1. Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No If no, answer item 2.
By Birth Yes No By Naturalization Yes No
(If naturalized, evidence of citizenship must be provided along with this document)
Naturalization Certificate Number________________Date and Place Issued___________________
2. If y ou are a permanent resident:
When did you come to the United States?_______________________________________________
Proof of residency must be submitted with this document. Please provide a copy of documentation.
Name and Address of Employer
Job Title Dates of Em ploym ent