- Affidavit of Financial Support for Undergraduate Applicants - Kansas
- Affidavit of Financial Support Form - New Jersey
- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
- Affidavit of Support Form - Pennsylvania
- International Student Affidavit of Financial Support - McHenry County College
- International Student Financial Affidavit - University at Albany
Fillable Printable UTA Financial Form - Texas
Fillable Printable UTA Financial Form - Texas

UTA Financial Form - Texas

(to be completed by applicant)
1. Student Information: Student ID Number: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): _______/______/______
Name: Family/Last (Surname)_______________________________ First (Given) ____________________________
Give your name as it appears on your passport. Your passport and application I-20 name must be the same.
A copy of your passport is required, please submit your passport copy with your financial documents.
Once your I-20 is issued, you will receive instructions on how to register to receive your I-20 by express mail at your expense.
2. Proper completion of this form is required before an I20 (Certificate of Eligibility) can be issued. The U.S. Immigrations and Customs
Enforcement regulations require proof that sufficient funds are available to meet educational and living expenses while in the United States. Thus,
you must submit financial documentation that proves you have sufficient funds to meet one full year of expenses, as estimated below. Please keep in
mind that tuition cost is determined by the Texas legislature and is subject to change without notice.
**FALL & SPRING applicants are required to submit finances for a 9-month period of study.
**SUMMER applicants are required to submit finances for a 12-month period of study.
3. Dependent Information: If you will be accompanied by dependent (s) please provide the following information for each individual. You must
add the following amounts to the required 9 or 12 month fund total: $5,000.00 USD for each dependent. Please note, a dependent is defined as a
spouse or child under the age of 21.
Last Name (as on passport)
First Name (as on passport)
Date of Birth
Country of Citizenship
4. Source (s) of support: Indicate below the source & amount of financial support. If you have more than one source, check as many categories (A
B, or C) as appropriate & list amount.
____A. If you are supporting yourself have your bank complete the Bank Affidavit. $_______________
____B. If you are not self-supporting have your sponsor complete the
Sponsor’s Statement & have the sponsor’s bank complete the Bank Affidavit $_______________
____C. If you will be sponsored by government, employer, other organization or if you will be supported
by a scholarship request an award letter stating your name, amount of U.S. Dollars for each
year of study, beginning & ending dates; degree level; and major field of study. $_______________
TOTAL OF A, B and C $_______________
5. I understand that by submitting this form I certify the following: (1) I will have the minimum listed above for a 9-month period of study or a 12-
month period of Study in U.S. (2) The I-20 amounts above do not include travel; I will have adequate funds to travel to and from the U.S. (3) I will
make the necessary arrangements to have all funds transferred to the U.S. (4) I need approximately $6,000.00 in U.S. currency to meet initial
enrollment & housing rental expenses. (5) I must attend a new student orientation program before registering for classes. (6) I will be required to
purchase health insurance. (7) If I choose to enroll in the summer, I understand that the 9 month I-20 does not include tuition and fees for summer
term enrollment. Summer enrollment is optional. I understand that additional funds will be required if I choose to enroll in the summer terms. Please
see the 12 month I-20 amount listed above which includes tuition and fees for summer term enrollment.
Mail to: Graduate Admissions, UTA Box 19167, Arlington TX 76019 OR FAX to 817-272-1494

(Please give to your sponsor (s) to complete)
1. Applicant’s name, date of birth, and UTA ID number. Give your name as it appears (or will appear) on your passport.
Your passport and application I-20 name must be the same.
Name: Last (Surname)_____________________________________ First (Given)_________________________
Date of Birth ______/______/______ Student ID Number _______/_______/______
2. Sponsor’s statement: I certify that I am the sponsor of the applicant. I verify that I have liquid assets as indicated below to
meet the educational and living expenses of the applicant during his period of study at UTA. I understand that I must have
my bank complete the UTA BANK AFFIDAVIT FORM or provide a letter from my bank verifying availability of funds.
3. Sponsor’s Name (print) Last/Family______________________________ First: ______________________
Sponsor’s relationship to applicant: Father Mother Other-specify:______________________
Sponsor’s Signature:__________________________________________________________________________
Amount of liquid assets available in USD $ (Circle one below)
$30,713 or $36,356 or other: specify amount $_______________
Date form completed: mm/dd/yy _________/_________/_________
4. Optional (complete only if 2
sponsor is needed)
Sponsor’s Name (print:) Last/Family __________________________ First___________________________
Sponsor’s Signature (print): Last/Family __________________________ First ___________________________
Sponsor’s relationship to applicant: Father Mother Other-specify:___________________
Amount of liquid assets available in USD $ (Circle one below)
$30,713 or $36,356 or other: specify amount $_______________
Date form completed: mm/dd/yy _________/_________/_________
Mail to: Graduate Admissions, UTA Box 19167, Arlington TX 76019 OR FAX to 817-272-1494

(Please have this form completed by your bank)
1. Applicant’s name, date of birth, and UTA ID number. Give your name as it appears (or will appear) on our passport.
Your passport name and application I-20 name must be the same.
Name: Last (Surname)_____________________________________________ First (Given) ______________________________
Date of Birth ______/______/______ Student ID Number ______/______/______
2. Sponsor/Account Holder’s name (print):
Last/Family (print) _____________________________ First ____________________________
Bank Certification: I certify that the account holder, whose name is listed above, has liquid assets deposited in this bank
that meets or exceeds the amount listed in item number 2 below.
Financial Information: Amount of liquid assets available in USD$ (circle one below)
$30,713 or $36,356 or other: specify amount $____________________
Name and address of bank:
Bank Representative’s Title:____________________________________________________________
Bank Representative’s Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date form completed by bank representative: mm/dd/yy _____/_____/_____
3. Optional: complete only if 2
sponsor is needed:
Sponsor/Account Holder’s name (print):
Last/Family (print) _____________________________ First ____________________________
Bank Certification: I certify that the account holder, whose name is listed above, has liquid assets deposited in this bank
that meets or exceeds the amount listed in item number 2 below.
Financial Information: Amount of liquid assets available in USD$ (circle one below)
$30,713 or $36,356 or other: specify amount $____________________
Name and address of bank:
Bank Representative’s Title: ____________________________________________________________
Bank Representative’s Signature: _______________________________________________________
Date form completed by bank representative: mm/dd/yy _____/_____/_____
Mail to: Graduate Admissions, UTA Box 19167, Arlington TX 76019 OR FAX to 817-272-1494
You may be entitled to know what information The University of Texas at Arlington (UT Arlington) collects concerning you. You may review and have UTA correct
this information according to procedures set forth in UTS 139. The law is found in sections 552.021, 552.023 and 559.004 of the Texas Government Code.