Fillable Printable Valentines Love Letter
Fillable Printable Valentines Love Letter

Valentines Love Letter
'To my loving Brother, Colonel Valentine Walton: These.'
'Leaguer before York,' 5th July, 1644.
It's our duty to sympathise in all mercies; and to praise the Lord together in
chastisements or trials, that so we may sorrow together.
Truly England and the Church of God hath had a great favour from the Lord,
in this great Victory given unto us, such as the like never was since this War
began. It had all the evidences of an absolute Victory obtained by the Lord's
blessing upon the Godly Party principally. We never charged but we routed
the enemy. The Left Wing, which I commanded, being our own horse, saving
a few Scots in our rear, beat all the Prince's horse. God made them as
stubble to our swords. We charged their regiments of foot with our horse, and
routed all we charged. The particulars I cannot relate now; but I believe, of
Twenty-thousand the Prince hath not Four-thousand left. Give glory, all the
glory, to God.-
Sir, God hath taken away your eldest Son by a cannon-shot. It brake his leg.
We were necessitated to have it cut off, whereof he died.
Sir, you know my own trials this way: but the Lord supported me with this,
That the Lord took him into the happiness we all pant for and live for. There is
your precious child full of glory, never to know sin or sorrow any more. He
was a gallant young man, exceedingly gracious. God give you His comfort.
Before his death he was so full of comfort that to Frank Russel and myself he
could not express it, "It was so great above his pain." This he said to us.
Indeed it was admirable. A little after, he said, One thing lay upon his spirit. I
asked him, What that was? He told me it was, That God had not suffered him
to be any more the executioner of His enemies. At his fall, his horse being
killed with the bullet, and as I am informed three horses more, I am told he bid
them, Open to the right and left, that he might see the rogues run. Truly he
was exceedingly beloved in the Army, of all that knew him. But few knew him;
for he was a precious young man, fit for God. You have cause to bless the
Lord. He is a glorious Saint in Heaven; wherein you ought exceedingly to
rejoice. Let this drink up your sorrow; seeing these are not feigned words to
comfort you, but the thing is so real and undoubted a truth. You may do all
things by the strength of Christ. Seek that, and you shall easily bear your trial.
Let this public mercy to the Church of God make you to forget your private
sorrow. The Lord be your strength: so prays
Your truly faithful and loving brother,
My love to your Daughter, and my Cousin Perceval, Sister Desborow and all
friends with you.