Fillable Printable Vendor Contract Sample Template
Fillable Printable Vendor Contract Sample Template

Vendor Contract Sample Template

Vendor Name: ______________________________________________ Tax ID ___________________
8200 Woodman Road
Henrico, VA 23228
Tel No. +1.804.262.7315
WHEREAS, the Vendor desires to participate by selling MERCHANDISE during the Filipino Festival at
Our Lady of Lourdes Church (Lourdes) at 8200 Woodman Road in the County of Henrico, specifically on
Friday, August 7, 2015 and Saturday, August 8, 2015;
WHEREAS; the Vendor understands that any religious item offered for sale must be Christian.
WHEREAS, the Vendor understands that the vendor area is a 10'x10' or 12’x12’ ground space.
WHEREAS; Lourdes is agreeable to the Vendor selling certain merchandise and/or goods, as described
below (short description of items to sell):
WHEREAS; the Vendor agrees to pay in advance a non-refundable Vendor fee as determined by the
items selected below. The space is not reserved until a signed contract and check made payable to “Our
Lady of Lourdes” is received and accepted. Checks and a completed and signed copy of this contract
should be sent to:
8200 Woodman Road
Henrico, VA 23228

Vendor Name: ______________________________________________
Early Regular Late
The Vendor must select only one of the following Booths by checking the desired box:
Premium Booth (12’x12’/best locations) $175 $200 $250
Standard Booth (10’x10’) $100 $125 $175
The Vendor may optionally select any of the following Booth upgrades by checking the desired boxes:
Tent $ 45 $ 45 $ 75
Electric $ 50 $ 50 $ 85
2’x6’ Table
$15/each $15/each $20/each
$ 7/each $ 7/each $10/each
The Vendor may optionally select any of the following Advertising spaces in the Festival Program by
checking the desired boxes (Content must be submitted by July 15, 2014):
Full-Page Ad $150 $160 N/A
Half-Page Ad $ 90 $100 N/A
Quarter-Page Ad $ 50 $ 60 N/A
Business Card Ad $ 30 $ 35 N/A
WHEREAS; to obtain the Early Fee, the vendors contract and check must be received by our Lady of
Lourdes prior to February 15, 2015
WHEREAS; to obtain the Regular Fee, the vendors contract and check must be received by our Lady of
Lourdes prior to July 15, 2015
NOW, THEREFORE, in coordination of the promises and mutual agreement and agreements herein
combined, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Lourdes reserves the right in its sole discretion to decide where the space allotted to the Vendor
shall be located, and to change or relocate Vendor space(s)-at any time. All aisles in between
tents must be clear of carts, merchandise, boxes, etc.;
2. Vendor supplying their own tent shall use a 10' x 10' CANOPY TENT, of any solid color desired,
or displaying the vendors logo;
3. Vendor supplying their own tables and chairs shall not use any space outside of their designated
4. Raffles of any kind will not be allowed;
5. Serving of Food or Drink of any kind will not be allowed;
6. Vendor understands that there will be NO electrical connections allowed or provided unless
purchased thru this contract. Open flames, candles or generators will not be permitted;
7. There shall be no smoking in or around the tents;
8. Vendor agrees to provide and be responsible for all specialty displays. Lourdes will provide
limited security, but Lourdes assumes NO liability for theft, pilferage, or loss of Vendor's property;
9. Vendor is responsible to procure needed staff to setup and manage booth at OWN expense;

10. Vendor assumes responsibility to accept sales by cash or checks payable to Vendor only. Sales
tax of any kind will be the responsibility of the Vendor;
11. Vendor agrees that it is the Vendor's responsibility to set up, maintain and supervise OWN area.
Vendor access for setup is between 2-5PM on Friday and 7-8:30AM on Saturday;
12. Vendor agrees to keep OWN tent and display until exactly 10 PM, Saturday, after which time,
immediate dismantling shall commence. All Vendor items must be removed by 11:00PM on
13. Vendor agrees to pick up any litter from OWN rented space and put in the trash bins or
14. Vendor agrees to indemnify and save Lourdes harmless from and against any and all claims,
demands, losses or expenses (including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and costs)
whatsoever arising out of or in connection with (a) personal injury or damages to personal
property caused in whole or in part by the act, omission or negligence of Vendor or of Vendor's
agents, employees, contractors or helpers, or (b) this agreement; or (c) acts of God;
15. This contract is non-negotiable. This is the only contract that will be honored for Vendors.
UPON SIGNATURES COMPLETELY AFFIXED BELOW, the parties hereto caused this Agreement to be
duly executed as of the month, day and year noted below.
VENDOR shall mail a copy of this 3-Page Agreement, with OWN signature and all the information
completed below, together with the appropriate check before July 31, 2015. Agreements sent beyond
that date must be hand delivered.
VENDOR shall report on the day of the Festival to the Volunteer Tent at the back of the Church Office,
next to the Vendor Entrance and pick up a ratified copy of this contract prior to setting up on Friday,
August 7, 2015.
VENDOR Information:
Vendor Company Name: ______________________________________________
Vendor Individual Contact Name: ________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Office Phone: _________________________ FAX: _________________________
Cell Phone: ________________ EMAIL: __________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ___________
8200 Woodman Road, Henrico, VA 23228
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ___________
Rev. James Begley, Pastor