Fillable Printable Vermont Sublease Agreement Form
Fillable Printable Vermont Sublease Agreement Form

Vermont Sublease Agreement Form
I. TERM – This legal document (“Hereinafter referred to as “Sub-Lease Agreement”) to
begin on ______________________ and ending ______________________.
Date Date
II. SUBLESSOR, SUBLESSEE, AND LESSOR – This Sub-Lease Agreement is
between __________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “Lessor”),
Print Name
__________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “Sublessor”),
Print Name
__________________________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “Sublessee”)
Print Name
III. PREMISES – The Sublessor agrees to sublet the Premises located at
____________________________________ City of ______________________ State of
Street Address City
_______________ Zip Code ___________ (Hereinafter referred to as the “Premises”) to
State Zip Code
the Sublessee only for the purposes of residential use. The Sublessor agrees to include
furnishings and appliances as described:
Furnishings and Appliances
If there are any common areas for use but which are shared between other Tenants or the
Lessor, Sublessee shall have the every right to use said areas. If there are any restrictions
on said common areas they are:
IV. PARENT AGREEMENT – Sublessor and Sublessee acknowledge that this
agreement is contingent upon Sublessor’s lease agreement with Lessor (Hereinafter
referred to as “Parent Agreement”) beginning __________________________ and
ending on __________________________ signed on __________________________.
Date Date

Sublessee shall pay rent to Lessor payable to in the monthly installments of
_____________________________________ Dollars ($__________________)
Amount $
payable in the name of _________________________________________________.
Payable to
Payments are due on the _______ of every month (Hereinafter referred to as the “Due
Date”) beginning _________________________________. All rent payments shall be
sent to ______________________________ City of ______________ State of
Street Address City
__________ Zip Code ___________ or if there is another way the Lessor would like to
State Zip Code
receive rental payments it shall be described as follows:
(if applicable) Prorated first month's rent.
For the period from Sublessee’s move-in date __________________, through the end
Sublessee’s Move-in Date
of the month, Sublessee will pay to Seblessor the prorated monthly rent of
Prorated Rent Amount
This amount will be paid on or before the date the Sublessee moves in.
VI. SUB-LEASE TERMS – Sublessee must comply with the terms and conditions of
the Parent Agreement.
VII. DEPOSITS AND CHARGES - In addition to Rent described above, the Sublessee
shall pay the following to the items that apply:
A. Deposits (check all that apply)
_____ - Security Deposit of $_____________.___ paid upon signing the Lease
_____ - Last Month’s Rent of $_____________.___ paid upon signing the Lease
_____ - Rent in advance of $_____________.___ paid upon signing the Lease
_____ - Pet Deposit of $_____________.___ paid upon signing the Lease
_____ - Other ____________________________________________________________
If the Sublessee has paid a deposit or an advancement of rent, the Lessor or Sublessor
shall deposit the money in a separate interest bearing or non-interest bearing account for
the benefit of the Sublessee. Furthermore, within __________ days after Sublessee has
vacated the premises, returned keys, and provided Lessor with a forwarding address,
Lessor will give Sublessee an itemized written statement of the reasons for, and the dollar
amount of, any of the security deposit retained by the Sublessor, along with a check for
any deposit balance.
B. Late Charges - If Rent has not been paid in full to the Lessor by the Due Date
as stated in Section V the Lessor has the right to either:
(choose one option)
_____ - Charge Sublessee fee of $____, for every day after the Due Date.
_____ - Charge Sublessee fee of ___% of the amount due, for every day after the Due
VIII. UTILITIES – Sublessee is responsible for the following utility charges:
____ - Electricity
____ - Water
____ - Cable
____ - Internet
____ - Heat
____ - Other _____________________________________________________________
IX. DISCLOSURES – Sublessee agrees and acknowledges the disclosures attached to
this agreement by filling in their initials below;
_____ - State of _________________ required disclosures
______ - Sublessee Rules and Regulations
______ - Sublessee Checklist Upon Move-In
______ - Other ___________________________________________________________
X. ADDITIONAL ADDENDUMS – If any Additional addendum(s) to this agreement,
is described as:
Additional Addendums
XI. DISCLAIMER – If one sentence, section, or portion of this Sublease Agreement is
deemed to be invalid, it does not affect the terms of the rest of this document.
XII. TENANCY – If for any reason the Sublessee or Sublessee’s guest(s) fail to comply
with this Sublease or Parent Agreement, or the Sublessee misrepresented themselves in
this Sublease Agreement or on the Rental Application, the Sublessee may be found in
violation of this Sublease Agreement and at the Lessor’s decision this document may
become Void.
XIII. TIME - Is of the essence.
XIV. LESSOR’S CONSENT – I, the Lessor, hereby consent to this Sublease Agreement
and agree to promptly notify Sublessor within 3 business days in writing if Sublessee is
in breach of this Sublease Agreement. Nothing herein shall constitute a release of
Sublessor, who shall remain bound by the terms of the Parent Lease. Nothing herein shall
constitute consent to any further Sublease or assignment of the Parent Lease or this
In accordance with the law, prior to Lessor’s consent, Sublessor has informed Lessor of
Sublessor’s intent to Sublease the Parent Lease by mailing a notice of such intent in the
manner provided by law, accompanid by the following information.
_____ - The term of the Sublease
_____ - The name of Sublessee
_____ - The business and permanent address of Sublessee
_____ - Lessee’s reasons for Subleasing
_____ - Lessee’s address for the term of the Sublease
_____ - The written consent of any co-Lessee and Sublessee as being a true copy of the
Sublease, to which a copy of the Parent Lease was attached.
_____ - The following additional information

Additional Information
Sublessee agree to the terms and have executed and dated this Sublease Agreement
Sublessor: Sublessee:
___________________________ ___________________________
Sublessor’s Printed Name Sublessee’s Printed Name
___________________________ ___________________________
Sublessor’s Signature Sublessee’s Signature!
_________________ _________________
Date Date!
Lessor’s Printed Name!