Fillable Printable Warranty Deed Template - Michigan
Fillable Printable Warranty Deed Template - Michigan

Warranty Deed Template - Michigan

Warranty Deed
Know All Men By These Presents That:
Whose Address is:
Warrants to:
Whose Address is:
The following described property situated in the Township of , County of
and State of Michigan, to-wit:
For the full consideration of $
The Grantors grant the grantee the right to make all permissible division (s) under section 108 of the
Land Division Act; Act #288 of the Public Acts of 1967.
Subject to:
Note: This property may be located within the vicinity of farmland or a farm operation. Generally
accepted agricultural and management practices which may generate noise, dust, odors, and other
associated conditions may be used and are protected by the Michigan right to farm act.
Dated this day of , 20
Grantor (Seller) Grantor (Seller)
Printed Name Printed Name:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,
20 by
(person being acknowledged)
My Commission Expires:
Notary Public County
This instrument was prepared by
When Recorded return to:

In accordance with Michigan Law, we will only record documents that conform to
the following State Statutes:
1. Signatures must be original; and names must be typed or printed beneath signatures. MCLA
565.201 Sec. 1 (a)
2. No discrepancy shall exist between names printed in the notary acknowledgement and as printed
beneath signatures. MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (b)
3. Instruments conveying or mortgaging property shall state the marital status of all male
grantor/mortgagors. MCLA 565.221
4. The address of the grantees in each deed of conveyance or assignment of real estate shall
contain the street number address or post office address. MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (d)
5. The name and address of the person who drafted the document must appear on documents
executed in Michigan. MCLA 565.201a
6. Documents purporting to convey or encumber real estate executed in Michigan require an
acknowledgement by a judge, clerk of a court of record or a notary public within this
state. MCLA 565.8; form: LAND 565.47, MCLA 565.265; 565.267
7. A certified copy of the death certificate or proof of death must be recorded or have been
recorded and referenced by Liber and Page on said documents when “survivor” is
indicated on the document. MCLA 565.48
8. Court orders must be certified and sealed by the clerk of the court. MCLA 565.401; 565.411
9. The document submitted for recording must be legible. MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (f)(iv)
10. Documents must have a margin of unprinted space at least 2 ½ inches at the top of the first page
and at least ½ inch on all remaining sides of each page. MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (f)(i)
11. Documents must display on the first line of print on the first page, a single statement identifying
the recordable event that the instrument evidences. MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (f)(ii); 565.201
Sec. 3
12. The type on the form must be printed with black ink; type size at least 10-point type. MCLA
565.201 Sec. 1 (f)(iii)(iv)
13. The paper on which the document is printed must be white and not less than 20-pound weight.
MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (f)(iv)
14. The size of the document and the attachment thereto must be at least 8 ½ inches; at most 8 ½ by
14 inches. MCLA 565.201 Sec. 1 (f)(v)(vi)