Fillable Printable Website Design Contract
Fillable Printable Website Design Contract

Website Design Contract

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This contract is for the design of a new website.
This contract is for re-design or updates to existing website.
Client Information:
Company / Client: ___________________________________________
Phone: _____________________FAX:___________________________
Clientized Representative of the Client: __________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City: ___________________________State:________
Zip Code: __________Country:_________
E-mail Address: ____________________________________________
1. Authorization.
The above-named Client (hereinafter referred to as " Client ") is engaging Gig Harbor Design, as an
independent contractor for the specific purpose of designing or re-designing/adding on to a World Wide
Web site (herein after referred to as " Web Design Project ") to be published on the Client's account on an
Internet Service Provider (ISP)/Web Presence Provider (WPP) computer, herein after refer to as " Hosting
Service ", or provided on diskette at the Client's option. The Client hereby authorizes Gig Harbor Design
to access this account, and authorizes the Hosting Service to provide Gig Harbor Design, with access to
the Client's account, and any other programs needed for this Web Design Project that are included as
part of the Client's service agreement. The Client also authorizes Gig Harbor Design to submit the
completed Web Design Project to major Web Search Engines.
2. Development.
This Web Design Project will be developed using Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Photoshop and other
- Designing a web site to fully work in multiple browsers (and browser versions) can require considerable,
extra effort. It could also involve creating multiple versions of code/pages. Gig Harbor Design represents
and warrants that the web site we design for you will work in:
Microsoft® Internet Explorer versions 5 and up
Netscape Navigator/Communicator version 4 and up
While Gig Harbor Design will make reasonable efforts to design a fully-functional web site, Gig Harbor
Design's warrantee does not cover AOL, text-based browsers or requested special effects that we have
advised you against.
3. Assignment of Web Design Project.
Gig Harbor Design reserves the right, and you hereby agree, to assign subcontractors to this Web Design
project to insure that the terms of this agreement are met as well as on-time completion if necessary.

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4. Copyrights and Trademarks. The Client unconditionally guarantees that any elements of text,
graphics, photos, designs, trademarks, or other artwork furnished to Gig Harbor Design for inclusion in
the Web Design Project are owned by the Client, or that the Client has permission from the rightful owner
to use each of these elements, and will hold harmless, protect, indemnify and defend Gig Harbor Design
and its subcontractors from any liability (including attorney's fees and court costs), including any claim or
suit, threatened or actual, arising from the use of such elements furnished by the Client.
5. Web Site Maintenance.
This agreement allows for minor web site maintenance to pages of your web site, including updating links
and making minor changes to a sentence or paragraph. It does not include replacing nearly all the text
from a page with new text, major page reconstruction, new pages, guest books, navigation structure
changes, repairs of attempted updates by Client. This service is available from the date the Client's web
site is available to be published to Client's hosting service. Major page code and/or graphics changes and
additions will be charged at the hourly rates.
We will continue to do updates, additions and changes as required by Client, billable monthly at $45 an
hour with no minimum billing for any billing cycle. Client pays only for work done.
6. Completion Date.
Gig Harbor Design and the Client must work together to complete the Web Design Project in a timely
manner. We agree to work expeditiously to complete the Web Design Project as quickly as possible upon
receipt of Clients text and graphic materials. We are not responsible for delays due to Client not
responding in a timely manner to email questions that slow the completion of the website.
7. Project Delivery.
The final web site design project will be published to the Client's hosting service upon receipt of final
payment or delivered via diskette upon the receipt of full payment. The Client understands that Gig
Harbor Design does not provide any hosting services in connection with this Web Design Project. Hosting
services require a separate contract with the hosting service of the Client's choice. The Client agrees to
select a hosting service which allows Gig Harbor Design access to the Client's account via FTP (File
Transfer Protocol). The Client will be solely responsible for any and all hosting service charges.
Publishing by Gig Harbor Design:
1) There is no charge to publish the site if the hosting service is UNIX based and does not have
FrontPage® extensions installed.
2) If the hosting service has FrontPage® extensions installed and the extensions are not configured
correctly to support publishing/FrontPage®98 functionality, Gig Harbor Design charges at its then hourly
rate for the effort involved to resolve whatever problems may arise.
Delivery via Diskette:
The Client assumes all responsibility for the use and functionality of the Web Design Project.
8. Electronic Commerce Laws.
The Client agrees that the Client is solely responsible for complying with any laws, taxes, and tariffs
applicable in any way to the Web Design Project or any other services contemplated herein, and will hold
harmless, protect, and defend Gig Harbor Design and its subcontractors from any claim, suit, penalty, tax,
fine, penalty, or tariff arising from the Client's exercise of Internet electronic commerce and/or any failure
to comply with any such laws, taxes, and tariffs.
9. Web Design Project Copyright.

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Copyright to the finished web design site produced by Gig Harbor Design will be owned by Gig Harbor
Design. The Client will be assigned rights to use the Web Design Project as a web site, once final
payment under this agreement and any additional charges incurred have been paid. Rights to photos,
graphics, source code, work-up files, and computer programs are specifically not transferred to the Client,
and remain the property of their respective owners. Gig Harbor Design retains the right to display
graphics and other Web design elements as examples of their work in their respective portfolios. All Web
Design Projects will contain a copyright/legal statement with a link to Gig Harbor Design‘s Web Site.
10. Payment Schedule.
Payment for services provided hereby shall be made in accordance with the conditions contained in this
contract, attached hereto and made a part of this agreement hereof. Notwithstanding any prices listed in
literature or on Web pages, the Client and Gig Harbor Design agree that the services described in this
contract, the hourly rate is $45. The Client agrees to pay to Gig Harbor Design an initial, approximate
deposit of 50% of the estimated total cost upon start of the project. Final payment is due prior to
publication and/or delivery of the Web Site Design Project. All amounts must be in U.S. Dollars and are
payable through Paypal only
unless other arrangements are made ahead of time. Deposits and hours
purchased are non-refundable.
11. Payments.
Payments must be made promptly based on the terms of this Web Site Design Project. Gig Harbor
Design reserves the right to remove any Web Design Project from viewing on the Internet until final
payment is made. In case collection proves necessary, the Client agrees to pay all fees (including all
attorney's fees and court costs) incurred by that process. This agreement becomes effective only when
signed by Gig Harbor Design. Furthermore, the Client waives any right to or claim of sovereign immunity.
Adding of Meta Tags (Description and Keywords) and the submission of the Web Design Project to Web
search engines and updating occur only after the full final payment is made. All payments will be made in
U.S. Dollars and are payable through Paypal only unless other arrangements are made ahead of time.
Deposits and hours purchased are non-refundable.
12. Legal Notice.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this contract, neither Gig Harbor Design nor any of
its employees or agents, warrant that the functions contained in the Web Design Project will be
uninterrupted or error-free. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Web Design Project is
with the Client. In no event will Gig Harbor Design be liable to the Client or any third party for any
damages, including, but not limited to, service interruptions caused by Acts of God, the Hosting Service or
any other circumstances beyond our reasonable control, any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental,
consequential, punitive, or special damages arising out of the operation of or inability to operate this Web
Design Project, failure of any service provider, of any telecommunications carrier, of the Internet
backbone, of any Internet servers, your or your site visitor's computer or Internet software.
13. This Agreement.
This agreement constitutes the sole agreement between Gig Harbor Design and the Client regarding this
Web Design Project. Any additional work not specified in this contract or any other amendment or
modification to this contract must be authorized by a written request signed by both Client and Gig Harbor
Design. All prices specified in this contract will be honored for 6 months after both parties sign this

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The undersigned hereby agree to the terms, conditions and stipulations of this agreement on behalf of his
or her organization or business.
14. Special Instructions.
Completion Date Due: ________________________
URL: http://www.________________________________________
Registrars Website Address: http://www.____________________________________
Login:________________________ Password:___________________________
Hosting Service Website Address: http://www.________________________________
Login: ________________________ Password:___________________________
FTP Address: __________________________________________
Approximate Number of Pages on Website: __________
Ecommerce: Yes No
Clients Name / Signature: _____________________________________________________