Fillable Printable Website Policy and Procedures
Fillable Printable Website Policy and Procedures

Website Policy and Procedures

Website Policy & Procedures
The Marketing and Communications department and the Office of Information Technology
recognizes and supports the University’s role as an information provider. It is the responsibility
of both departments to support electronic methods of distributing information to FVSU
stakeholders and community partners; as well as promoting the university’s brand.
The Marketing department is solely responsible for website content. Services or information
directly visible, or loadable onto the FVSU website from members of the university community,
such as administrators, staff, faculty, and students, require approval by the Marketing
department. The placement of content (i.e. on the website’s homepage) must be approved by the
website committee.
Information networks are in a constant state of transition. In light of the internet’s rapid
evolution and expansion, the website committee’s responsibility is to stay current regarding the
latest trends in technology, particularly as it relates to higher education websites.
The FVSU website committee has the right to modify website policy and procedures. It is the
responsibility of the FVSU community to be informed about website policies, procedures and
changes, which will always be posted on this page. Comments about the policy should be
directed to FVSU’s Marketing Director Vickie Oldham in writing via email at
The FVSU Website Committee
The FVSU Website Committee is comprised of the Marketing director, the university’s
webmaster, a faculty member, a marketing department representative and web stewards from
each division with an IT unit- Athletics, College of Agriculture, External Affairs, the Hunt
Library, and Graduate studies. A co-chair must be designated.
The chair of the committee, the Marketing director has the responsibility of ensuring that all
information and graphic images published on website reflects FVSU’s image and brand in a
clear, consistent, and integrated manner. This will be accomplished by working closely with the
webmaster and web stewards through information sharing and authorizing links. A designate
from the Marketing office will work closely with the webmaster and web stewards to provide
support services (including, but not limited to uploading documents such as registration forms,
surveys and questionnaires; updating information, photos, inserting video, etc.) to the FVSU
community and follow up reports will be required to insure the project’s completion.
World Wide Wb (WWW)
IT will operate the main World Wide Web (WWW) server that provides single point of Internet
presences (called the FVSU website). The URL for this site is
<> . The server functions as a hyperlink reference point, operating
continuously (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), except for server or network maintenance and
IT will register the server in the appropriate Internet locations commonly used to inform Internet
users of server presence and availability. IT will notify registration locations of the server’s
address, changes or other operational changes necessary to maintain FVSU as a known Internet
Users may request that their websites be linked to or placed on the main FVSU Internet server.
The Marketing department will maintain the official FVSU website, including hypertext links to
other sites of university departments, units, and colleges. When appropriate, user information
may be referenced with hyperlinks in more than one location on the FVSU website.
FVSU Website
In an effort to promote the campus as a free marketplace of ideas that affirms First Amendment
protections for its members, the University must balance individual rights of free of expression
against the institution’s need to reserve the right to limit access to its networks when applicable
policies or codes, contractual obligations, or state or federal laws are violated, without
monitoring or restricting content generally.
The FVSU Website is defined as a collection of web pages that represent the university as a
whole, and that promotes its brand and displays its logo. Informational material presented on the
website includes, but is not limited to items such as the catalog, fact sheet and recruitment
documents, course listings, university policies and procedures, links to university-sanctioned
websites, etc.
The standard design and guidelines must be adhered to by all FVSU units.
• Department websites are linked to the university’s official website. The FVSU Website
Committee assumes responsibility for content on the pages. Only pre-approved, authorized
individuals may create pages and place information on the Fort Valley State University website.
Since the FVSU website is public and potentially accessible to anyone with internet access, all
menu items and documents about official FVSU business must be carefully reviewed before it
becomes public.
• Instructional websites are pages created by FVSU faculty in support of courses they teach.
Faculty members who create such pages are solely responsible for the content on the pages.
• Personal and Student websites No individual will be allowed a personal website on the
university’s website.
• Organization websites are allowed for recognized student organizations and associations.
If the group does not operate through the Student Activities Office, then no organizational
website is allowed. The Student Government Association and the Vice President for Student
Affairs must monitor the content of the websites and confirm to the website committee that
policies and procedures are followed.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. We collect no personal information about you when you
visit Fort Valley State University’s web site unless you choose to make such information
When you visit our web site, our server automatically recognizes only the Internet domain and IP
address from which you accessed our site. This information does not result in the identification
of your personal e-mail address or other personal information.

In addition, we monitor the volume and timing of access to our site by collecting information on
the date, time and pages accessed by visitors. We do this to improve the content. This
information is not shared with other organizations. Again, only aggregate information is
collected, and visitors’ personal information is not identified.
If you choose to share personal information with us – by sending an message or filling out an
electronic form with personal information – we will use the information only for the purposes
you authorized. Some of the information may be saved for a designated period to comply with
Georgia law, but we will not disclose the information to third parties or other government
agencies, unless required to do so by state or federal law.
If you have questions about FVSU’s privacy procedures, please e-mail us at [email protected].
All colleges, departments, and units of the university community are allowed a presence on
FVSU’s website; but activation of the site is granted upon agreement to follow policies and
procedures for website content during the request process. Deans, directors, chairs and
administrators with budget signatory authority may request to have their website linked to
official FVSU web directories.
In the case of student organizations, the form requires approval by a faculty or staff advisor, and
the Director of Student Activities. It is the responsibility of the advisor, supervisor or sponsor to
verify the status of the student organization and to insure compliance with policies and
If the content or design of a hosted website changes significantly, the authorized party who has
responsibility for the site must notify the appropriate advisor, supervisor or sponsor by email.
Electronic Application Procedure for student organizations:
1. The applicant fills out the electronic form, which is emailed to the webmaster or the
appropriate web steward.
2. The supervisor/advisor sends an email to web master or web steward that verifies the status
of the applicant and approves the website design.
3. The web master obtains a provisional website directory from IT and acknowledges the
applicant’s request with the information.
4. The applicant uploads the website using FTP to the temporary location assigned by the web
5. The applicant notifies the web master and supervisor/advisor that the site is loaded and
available for review.
6. The web master notifies the website committee that members can review the sample
7. The website committee reviews the sample page(s) and emails approval to the web master,
recommending changes or denying the request.
8. The web master notifies the applicant of the status.
9. The process of review and recommendation (Steps 3-7) repeats until the site is approved or
the hosting request is denied.
10. A final decision is emailed from the website committee to the supervisor, advisor or sponsor,
the applicant, and webmaster.
Instructional Websites

Development of web-based instructional material is encouraged. Department/unit heads are
responsible for authorizing links.
Instructional websites may not contain commercial endorsements or advertisements.
Review of Policy
This policy will be subject to periodic review by the website committee. Any comments
regarding the policy should be directed to the Marketing director via e-mail: [email protected]
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Other documents to review about website policies and procedures:
• Electronic Communication Privacy Act of 1986
• Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1774
• Telecommunications Act of 1996
• Academic & Student Guidelines
• Graphic Identity Standards Manual (Publications Office)
FVSU administrators, staff, faculty and students must not knowingly provide information or
services contrary to policies or procedures established by Federal or State law by the Board of
Regents, or by Fort Valley State University, or the website committee. (updated June 1, 2011)