Fillable Printable Wedding Announcement Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Wedding Announcement Letter Sample

Wedding Announcement Letter Sample
Wedding Announcement Letter
Miley Crus,
Warner Studios,
Sep 2010
Subject: Informing about wedding occasion to relatives, friends.
Dear Miley,
The sounds of wedding ceremony are swinging like some implausible
moods in my mind while writing this one. I am very much overjoyed to tell
you that my matrimonial proposal to college mate Kartik Gavde, now
running his own family business has been accepted without any counter
conditions by his parents. You know I have been off lately in touch with him
on social networking sites ever since we had graduated.
It was never any kind of affair as such but just casual friends in the college.
But I knew that he could be a kind of life partner for the nature as a person,
perspective with everyone as an individual & a couple of similarities.
You are one of my close sisters. I feel more blessed to have you since my
childhood and I like to share with you every story in my life. Lastly it’s not a
mere request but an order to keep yourself available during the ceremonial
days and I will intimate you the exact date of marriage soon.
With regards
Yours Sincerely,
Anjelina Joshi.