Fillable Printable Weekly Progress Report Sample
Fillable Printable Weekly Progress Report Sample

Weekly Progress Report Sample

Mobil Weekly Progress Report
Progress Report for:
Project Name
Project Manager: Name_Here
(1/1/97 - 1/7/97)
• Jane Doe began work on the Project Name. She identified potential problems that could arise without a
local editor/manager to provide guidance to the writers on the project.
• Jane and John Dare completed the Project Plan as far as they could with the information available. They
submitted a first draft of the plan with many embedded questions for the reviewers to consider while
looking over the plan.
• Due to the tight development schedule for the first phase deliveries, John made initial assignments
based on the first draft of the Information Plan. Assignments were made based on the elements we
perceived as the most stable; that is, we do not expect the material to be affected by any changes made
to the Information Plan.
• Jane, Harry Smith, and Ann Howard will complete their first phase assignments by March 1. We will
submit these drafts, as completed, for review.
• We will incorporate any changes on the Information Plan for final approval and sign-off.
• We are concerned about the appropriateness of the page design for the plan documentation. First, it is
for a standard 81/2 x 11 sheet. How will it translate to A4 for European use?
• We are concerned about the stability of the application. At the weekly project meeting, we learned that
major changes had been made to the database. Since the engineers did not feel these were the last major
changes, they initiated a database change tracking process. We are currently documenting the
administration tables that were just changed for the first please. We are concerned that if the tables
continue to change, we will be using time inefficiently and as a result our hours/page will increase.
Client Publication Team Member
By: ____________________________________ By: ____________________________________
Title: __________________________________ Title: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________ Date: ________6/29/2005____________