Fillable Printable Weekly Status Report Example
Fillable Printable Weekly Status Report Example

Weekly Status Report Example

(Hypothetical Example)
Serial No. CACA-0123456
Week Ending: May 31, 2013
Compliance Monitor for BLM: [CM Contact Name]
This is a weekly summary report of project field activities from May 25, 2013, to May 31, 2013.
Please contact the [CM Name] Compliance Monitor for the BLM, [CM Contact Name], at (916)
826-2670 (mobile) or em[email protected] if you have questions on this report. Further information on
compliance monitoring for the project is available on the East Desert Solar ECMP website.
Project Status: The project is 63 percent complete and has 794 days without a lost time accident.
Work on Unit 1 is focused on demobilizing and cleaning up the laydown yard for the power block
foundation, installing equipment in the power block, and installing HTF pipe. At Unit 2, the HFT
systems are being hydrostatically tested. Welding and pipe installation continues in the power block. The
fire water supply is now available onsite and the Administration Building has been given a Temporary
Certificate of Occupancy. Crews are slicing the transmission line optical ground wire at four locations in
the transmission line ROW south of Interstate 12 near the substation.
Key Issues:
The remaining tears in the netting over the evaporation ponds have been repaired. Water was
being discharged into both ponds from HTF pipe hydro test in Unit 2. No bird activity has been
The permanent fence in the southeast corner of Unit 2 where the transmission line crosses above
the fence contains isolation panels with ceramic insulators and separate grounding to be isolated
from the other sections of fence. The insulators create a three (3) inch gap in the fence and were
identified as a possible ingress of Desert Kit Foxes onto the project site. This was addressed at
the weekly compliance meeting. I have recommended covering the gaps with a non-conductive
material to prevent foxes from entering the site.
On May 29, 2013, I was notified by the Designated Biologist of a Desert Kit Fox and pup on site
in Block 10 Unit 2. I monitored the foxes and tracked their movement to the southeast corner of
Unit 2 near the Fire/Emergency Crossover at Channel D. A Biological Monitor with radio
telemetry equipment subsequently tracked the foxes to a den site south of Unit 2. I reported the
incident at the weekly compliance meeting and stressed the importance of closing gates to the
project site every night. Nine kit fox pups are now in the area near the access road.
On May 29, 2013, one (1) artifact was collected/recorded by cultural and Native American
Monitors observing a duct bank excavation on the west side of Power Block 1.
There have been on-going issues this week with water discharges associated with the hydro
testing of the HTF system at Unit 2. Wednesday, May 29, 2013, the Project Manager asked about
discharging water from the HTF pipe hydro test into Channel D. I stated my previous position
that all onsite water should be pumped into the evaporation ponds. The Project Manager stated
that it was very important to have the pipes empty for the compressed air blow pipe drying
scheduled for Saturday and that they were currently pumping water into water trucks but the
process was very slow. I agreed to allow water discharge into the HTF Drain Pit in Power Block
2 with the condition that a pump be in place to immediately pump the water to the evaporation
On Thursday, May 30, 2013, I inspected the HTF Drain Pit in Power Block 2 at 7 am and 11 am.
Water was being discharged into the pit but there was not a pump in place to move the water to
the Evaporation Ponds. I contacted the Project Manager and asked that a pump be installed. At 3
pm, a pump was set up to pump the water into water trucks. I was again asked by the Project
Manager to allow water discharge into Channel D and repeated my previous position per
biological resource requirements.
On Friday, May 31, 2013, water discharge continued into the HTF Drain Pit in Power Block 2.
The water was then being pumped into Water trucks.
Noncompliance: No noncompliance notices were issued this week.
Deviations: No deviations were requested. All previous deviation requests have been completed.
Upcoming Events: No critical events are known or scheduled.
Action Items:
Review the proposed resolution of the gaps in the isolation fence.
Monitor water discharges associated with hydro testing of the HTF System.