Fillable Printable Wire Transfer Request Form
Fillable Printable Wire Transfer Request Form

Wire Transfer Request Form

Revised 07/26/2013
Wire Transfer Request Form
To facilitate efficient processing, it is required that the information below is typewritten OR is completed
with the Adobe Acrobat form fill-in capacity. Forms with hand-written information and/or lacking completed
fields will be returned.
Additional instructions are available at:
Beneficiary (payee):
Beneficiary's address:
Beneficiary's e-mail address:
Amount (in words):
Example: Sixteen thousand four hundred thirty-two dollars and sixty-four cents
Amount (in numbers):
Example: $16,432.64
Currency Unit:
Bank name (no abbreviations):
Beneficiary's bank account:
Information about valid formats for bank account numbers is available at
Bank address:
SWIFT code of the bank:
Related purchase order or voucher invoice number:
Signature of Authorized Campus Official
Printed Name of Signatory
Title of Signatory
The SWIFT system was designed by an international banking consortium to process secure global electronic
transactions. The SWIFT ID code is an eight or eleven character code that identifies the beneficiary's bank.
Disbursements Office only
Signature of Additional Approver
Printed Name of Additional Approver
IBAN number
International Bank Account Number, consisting of up to 34 alphanumeric characters, is required by banks in
participating countries to confirm the integrity of the bank account number.
Mexico: CLABE Standard Bank Code
An 18 digit identifier for each Mexican bank account.
Australian or New Zealand BSB Number
A six digit numeric code used to identify the bank branch; required along with the SWIFT code for international funds