Fillable Printable Writing a Promotion Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Writing a Promotion Letter Sample

Writing a Promotion Letter Sample
Mr. /Ms ……………. (Full Name)
…………………… (Designation)
Letter No. ….. MD/Promotion/Mktg/1/2010
The Managing Director
…………………. (Name of Company)
Dear Sir,
Sub: Request for consideration for Promotion.
It gives me immense pleasure to bring my performance review into your
kind notice that has been shown throughout my career. I served company
for 2 years in the capacity of marketing manager. I accomplished already
the given targets therefore in that response; manager evaluated me as by
giving good performance appraisal.
I remained throughout active participant in generating business activity for
organization. There is none of anything-great revival of sincerity and
dedication of yours than recognition. Monetary benefits work only to some
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
………………. (Signature)
………………. (Name in full)
………………. (Designation & Dept)
Place …………… Dated ……………