Fillable Printable 2016 Form 3503 - Natural Heritage Preservation Credit
Fillable Printable 2016 Form 3503 - Natural Heritage Preservation Credit

2016 Form 3503 - Natural Heritage Preservation Credit

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Natural Heritage Preservation Credit
General Information
The California Personal Income Tax Law and Corporation Tax Law
allows a nonrefundable credit for certain approved contributions of real
property. This credit can be used by taxpayers against the net tax in an
amount equal to 55% of the fair market value of a qualified contribution
that has been approved for acceptance by the Wildlife Conservation
Board (WCB).
A Purpose
Use form FTB 3503, Natural Heritage Preservation Credit, to figure the
amount of the credit. Also, use this form to claim pass-through credits
received from S corporations, estates, trusts, partnerships, or limited
liability companies (LLCs) classified as partnerships.
S corporations, estates, trusts, partnerships, and LLCs classified as
partnerships should complete form FTB 3503 to figure the amount
of credit to pass through to shareholders, beneficiaries, partners, or
members. Attach this form to Form 100S, California S Corporation
Franchise or Income Tax Return; Form 541, California Fiduciary Income
Tax Return; Form 565, Partnership Return of Income; or Form 568,
Limited Liability Company Return of Income. Show the pass-through
credit for each shareholder, beneficiary, partner, or member on
Schedule K-1 (100S, 541, 565, or 568), Share of Income, Deductions,
Credits, etc.
B Description
The WCB implemented a program for the protection of wildlife habitat,
open space, and agricultural lands. Under this program, property
can be contributed to the state, any local government, or to any
nonprofit organization designated by a local government, based on
specified criteria.
The credit is allowed against net tax, in an amount equal to 55%
of the fair market value of any qualified contribution made by the
taxpayer to the state, any local government, or any designated
nonprofit organization.
C Qualifications
To qualify for this credit:
y Make a contribution of property as defined in Section 37002 of the
Public Resources Code.
y The WCB must approve the contribution for acceptance.
y Attach a copy of this completed form FTB 3503 to your California tax
For more information regarding qualified contributions, contact the WCB
at 916.445.8448, or go to
The credit of any qualified contribution passes through to shareholders,
beneficiaries, partners, or members of the pass-through entity in
accordance with their pro-rata interest in the entity as of the date of
the qualified contribution. The term “pass-through entity” means any
S corporation, partnership, or LLC treated as a partnership.
Attach to your California tax return.
Name(s) as shown on your California tax return
SSN or ITIN CA Corporation no. FEIN
California Secretary of State file number
Part I Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) Qualified Contribution
Donor’s name as shown on certificate Type of donated property Date donation was accepted Fair market value
Project name WCB ID#
Part II Available Credit
1 Fair market value from Part I ............................................................. 1
2 Multiply the amount on line 1 by 55% (.55) ................................................. 2
3 Pass-through natural heritage preservation credit(s) from Schedule K-1 (100S, 541, 565, or 568).
See instructions....................................................................... 3
4 Total current year natural heritage preservation credit. Add line 2 and line 3......................... 4
5 Credit carryover from 2015. See instructions ................................................ 5
6 Total available natural heritage preservation credit. Add line 4 and line 5. . .......................... 6
7 a Credit claimed. Enter the amount of the credit claimed on the current year tax return.
See instructions. (Do not include any assigned credit claimed on form FTB 3544A.).
.............. 7a
b Total credit assigned. Enter the total amount from form FTB 3544, column (g).
If you are not a corporation, enter -0-. See instructions
8 Credit carryover available for future years. Add line 7a and line 7b, subtract the result from line 6........ 8

Page 2 FTB 3503 Instructions 2016
D Limitations
No credit will be allowed unless you received a certificate from the
WCB, which shows that your qualified contribution was approved for
acceptance. You must retain the certificate and make it available to the
FTB upon request.
S corporations may claim only 1/3 of the credit against the 1.5%
entity-level tax (3.5% for financial S corporations). The remaining
2/3 must be disregarded and may not be used as a carryover. In
addition, S corporations may pass through 100% of the credit
to their shareholders under California Revenue and Taxation
Code (R&TC) 23803(a).
If a C corporation had unused credit carryovers when it elected
S corporation status, the carryovers were reduced to 1/3 and transferred
to the S corporation. The remaining 2/3 were disregarded. The allowable
carryovers may be used to offset the 1.5% tax on net income in
accordance with the respective carryover rules. These C corporation
carryovers may not be passed through to shareholders. For more
information, get Schedule C (100S), S Corporation Tax Credits.
If a taxpayer owns an interest in a disregarded business entity [a single
member limited liability company (SMLLC) not recognized by California,
and for tax purposes is treated as a sole proprietorship owned by
an individual or a branch owned by a corporation] the credit amount
received from the disregarded entity that can be utilized is limited to the
difference between the taxpayer’s regular tax figured with the income of
the disregarded entity, and the taxpayer’s regular tax figured without the
income of the disregarded entity.
For more information on SMLLC, get form 568, Limited Liability
Company Tax Booklet.
If the disregarded entity reports a loss, the taxpayer may not claim the
credit this year but can carry over the credit amount received from the
disregarded entity to the next succeeding taxable year.
This credit cannot reduce the regular tax below the minimum franchise
tax (corporations and S corporations), annual tax (limited partnerships,
limited liability partnerships, and LLCs classified as a partnership),
the alternative minimum tax (corporations, exempt organizations,
individuals, and fiduciaries), the built-in gains tax (S corporations), or
the excess net passive income tax (S corporations).
This credit can reduce regular tax below Tentative Minimum Tax (TMT).
Get Schedule P (100, 100W, 540, 540NR, or 541), Alternative Minimum
Tax and Credit Limitations, for more information.
This credit is in lieu of any other state tax credit or deduction that the
taxpayer would otherwise be allowed for the contributed property or
interest therein.
This credit is not refundable.
E Assignment of Credits
Assigned Credits to Affiliated Corporations – Credit earned by
members of a combined reporting group may be assigned to an affiliated
corporation that is a member of the same combined reporting group. A
credit assigned may only be claimed by the affiliated corporation against
its tax liability. For more information, get form FTB 3544, Election to
Assign Credit Within Combined Reporting Group, or form FTB 3544A,
List of Assigned Credit Received and/or Claimed by Assignee or go to and search for credit assignment.
F Carryover
If the available credit exceeds the current year tax liability, the
unused credit may be carried over. For credits generated before
January 1, 2015, the credit may be carried over for eight years
or until the credit is exhausted. For credits generated on or after
January 1, 2015, the credit carryover period has been extended to
15 years or until exhausted, whichever occurs first. Apply the carryover
to the earliest taxable year possible. This credit cannot be carried back
and applied against a prior year’s tax.
Part I Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB)
Qualified Contribution
Enter the following information from the certificate you received from
the WCB:
y Name of donor
y Type of property donated
y Date donation was accepted
y Approved fair market value amount
y Project name
y WCB ID #
If you have more than one qualified contribution, figure each
contribution on a separate form FTB 3503.
Part II Available Credit
Line 3 – Pass-Through Natural Heritage Preservation
If you received more than one pass-through credit from S corporations,
estates, trusts, partnerships, or LLCs classified as partnerships, add the
amounts and enter the total on line 3. Attach a schedule showing the
names and identification numbers of the entities from which the credits
were passed through to you.
Line 5 – Credit Carryover
Enter the carryover amount from your 2015 form FTB 3503.
Line 7a – Credit claimed
Do not include assigned credits claimed on form FTB 3544A.
This amount may be less than the amount on line 6 if your credit
is limited by your tax liability. For more information, see General
Information D, Limitations, and refer to the credit instructions in your
tax booklet. Use credit code 213 when you claim this credit.
Line 7b – Total credit assigned
Corporations that assign credit to other corporations within combined
reporting group must complete form FTB 3544. Enter the total amount
of credit assigned from form FTB 3544, column (g) on this line..