
Fillable Printable 2016 I-010 Form 1, Wisconsin Income Tax (Fillable)

Fillable Printable 2016 I-010 Form 1, Wisconsin Income Tax (Fillable)

2016 I-010 Form 1, Wisconsin Income Tax (Fillable)

2016 I-010 Form 1, Wisconsin Income Tax (Fillable)

1Federal adjusted gross income (see page 12) .......................................1
Form W‑2 wages included in line 1 .......................
2State and municipal interest (see page 13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3Capital gain/loss addition (see page 14) ............................................3
4Other additions
5Add the amounts in the right column for lines 1 through 4 ..............................5
6Taxable refund of state income tax (from Form 1040, line 10) ...6
7United States government interest ........................7
8Unemployment compensation (see page 16) ................8
9Social security adjustment (see page 17) ...................9
10Capital gain/loss subtraction (see page 17) .................10
11Other subtractions
12Add lines 6 through 11 ..........................................................12
13Subtract line 12 from line 5. This is your Wisconsin income .............................13
Married ling separate return.
Fill in sp o us e’s SS N a b ove
and fu ll n am e h e re ...............
income tax
PAPER CLIP payme nt h ere
Se e p a g e 6 before asse m b l i ng ret u rn
Tax distric t
Check below then ll in either the name of city,
village, or town and the county in which you lived
at the en d of 2016.
County of
School district number
See page 57
Spouse’s social security number
Your s ocial s ec u ri ty n u m berLegal rst nameYour legal last name
Spouse’s legal rst nameIf a join t r e t ur n , s pou se’s leg a l l ast n a me
Ho me ad d ress (number a nd stre e t). If y o u have a PO Box, s ee pa ge 11. Ap t. no.
StateCity or post ofceZip code
Married ling joint return
Filing status Check
Head of household
(see page 12).
Also, check here if married ...
City, village,
or town
Fill in code number and amount, see page 14.
Fill in total other additions on line 4.
Fill in code number and amount, see page 17.
Fill in total other subtractions on line 11.
Legal last name
Legal rst name
If married, fill in spouse’s
SS N ab ove a n d fu l l na me h e re
For the year J an. 1‑ De c. 31, 2 016, or ot her t a x year
begi nning , 2016 endin g , 20 .
Pri nt numbe rs l i ke th is
Not like t hi s
Use B LACK In k
Chec k her e if an am end ed retu rn
Tab to navigate within form. Use mouse to check
applicable boxes, press spacebar or press Enter.
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32Add lines 29, 30, and 31 ....................................................... 32
33Subtract line 32 from line 28. If line 32 is larger than line 28, ll in 0. This is your net tax ..... 33
34Sales a n d u s e tax due on Inter n et, mail o rder, or other out‑of‑state p u r chas es (see page 38) 34
If you certify that no sales or use tax is due, check here .........................
35Donations (decreases refund or increases amount owed)
aEndangered resources eMilit ary family relief ......
bCancer researc h .....f
Second Harvest/Feeding Amer.
cVetera ns t rust fund ...g Red Cross WI Disaster Relief
dMultiple sclerosis ....h Special Olympics Wisc o nsin
Total (add lines a through h) ...
36Penalties on IRAs, retirement plans, MSAs, etc. (see page 39) ..x .33 = 36
37Credit repayments and other penalties (see page 40) ................................ 37
38Add lines 33, 34, 35i, 36 and 37 .................................................38
14Wisconsin income from line 13 ..................................................14
15Standard deduction. See table on page 55, OR ................................ 15
If someone else can claim you (or your spouse) as a dependent, see page 30 and check here
16Subtract line 15 from line 14. If line 15 is larger than line 14, ll in 0 ..................... 16
17Exemptions (Caution: See page 30)
aFill in exemptions from your federal return x $700 ..17a
bCheck if 65 or older You +Spouse =x $250 ..17b
cAdd lines 17a and 17b ...................................................... 17c
18Subtract line 17c from line 16. If line 17c is larger than line 16, ll in 0. This is taxable income .18
19Tax (see table on page 48) .....................................................19
20Itemized deduction credit. Enclose Schedule 1, page 4 ............... 20
21Armed forces member credit (must be stationed outside U.S. See page 31) ..21
22School property tax credit
aRent pa i d in 2 016he at in clude d
Re nt pa id i n 2 016he at not i nclud e d
bPro p erty ta xes p ai d o n h o me i n 2 016
23Worki ng f a mi li e s ta x credi t
24Certain nonrefundable credits from line 11 of Schedule CR ...........24
25Add credits on lines 20 through 24 ...............................................25
26Subtract line 25 from line 19. If line 25 is larger than line 19, ll in 0 .....................26
27Alternative minimum tax. Enclose Schedule MT ....................................27
28Add lines 26 and 27 ..........................................................28
29Married couple credit.
Enclose Schedule 2, page 4 ............29
30Other credits from Schedule CR, line 35 ..30
31Net income tax paid to another state.
Enclose Schedule OS ..........31
Find credit from
table page 33
Find credit from
table page 34
Form 1 Page 2 of 4
If lin e 14 is les s t h a n $10,000
and if married ling separate,
see p age 35 ..23
Go to Page 3
39Amount f rom lin e 38 .........................................................39
40Wisco nsin tax w i thheld. Encl ose wi thho lding stateme nts ..... 40
412016 estimated tax p ayments and amo unt
applied from 2015 return ..............................41
42 Earned i n co m e cre di t. Num ber of qual ifyi n g chil d r en ..
credit ....x % = .........42
43Farmlan d pres e rvati on credit. aSch edule FC, line 18 .......43a
bSc h edule FCA, li n e 13 .....43b
44Repayment credit (see page 42) ........................44
45Hom estead credi t. Enclose S che du le H or HEZ ............45
46Eligible veterans an d s u rviving spouses pro perty tax cr edit ... 46
47Ot h e r c r e di t s f r o m S ched ul e C R, lin e 3 9. Enclose Schedule CR 47
48AMENDED RETURN ONLYAmounts previously paid
(see page 44)
49Add line s 40 th r ough 48 ..............................49
Amounts previously refunded
(see page 44)
51Subt ract li ne 50 from l i n e 49 ...................................................51
52If line 51 is larg e r than li n e 39, subtract li n e 39 f r om line 51.
This is t he AMOUNT YOU OVERPAID ...........................................52
53Am o u nt of l i n e 52 you wa nt REFUNDED TO YOU ..................................53
54Amo unt of l i n e 52 you wa nt
APPLIED TO YOUR 2017 ESTIM ATED TAX ..............54
55I f l i n e 51 is smaller t h a n l i n e 39, subtract li ne 51 fro m li ne 39. Th is is th e
AMOUN T YOU OWE. Paper cli p p ayment to front of return ..........................55
Underpayment interest. Fill in exception code See Sch. U
Al s o incl ude on li n e 55
(se e p age 46)
Name(s) shown on Form 1 Your social security number
Form 1 Page 3 of 4
Mail your return to: Wisconsin Department of Revenue
If tax due .....................................PO Box 268, Madison WI 53790‑0001
If refund or no tax due.................PO Box 59, Madison WI 53785‑0001
If homestead credit claimed ........PO Box 34, Madison WI 53786‑0001
Under penalties of law, I declare that this return and all attachments are true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Your signature Spouse’s signature (if ling jointly, BOTH must sign) Date Daytime phone
( )
Sign here
no. ( )
number (PIN)
Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the department (see page 47)? YesComplete the following.No
Paper clip copies of your federal income tax return and schedules to this return.
Assemble your return (pages 1-4) and withholding statements in the order listed on page 6.
Do Not Submit Photocopies
Return to Page 1
1Medical and dental expenses from line 4 of federal Schedule A. See instructions for exceptions 1
2Interest pa i d f r o m li ne s 10‑12 and 14 of federa l S ched ul e A. Do not in c l u de i nter e st p ai d
to purchas e a se co nd h o m e l o cated o utsid e Wiscon si n o r a re s i d en ce wh i c h i s a b o at .
Also, do not i nclud e inte re s t pa i d to pu rchas e o r h o ld U.S. g over n me nt s e c urit i e s a nd
interest fr o m a t ax‑opt i o n (S) c o rpo r at i o n i f clai me d a s a subt r a c t i o n ....................2
3Gift s to charity f r o m li ne 19 of feder a l S c h e du le A. See in st ructi o ns f o r except i o ns .........3
4Casualty l o s s e s f r o m li ne 2 0 of fe d e r al S che dul e A, only if th e l o s s i s di re ctly r e late d to a
federally‑dec lared disaster ....................................................4
5Add lines 1 t h r o ug h 4 .........................................................5
6Fill in your st an d ar d d ed ucti o n f r o m l in e 15 on page 2 of For m 1 .......................6
7Subtract line 6 from line 5. If line 6 is more than line 5, ll in 0 ..........................7
8Rate of cre dit i s . 05 (5%). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
9Multip l y li ne 7 by lin e 8 . Fil l in h e re a n d on l in e 2 0 o n pa g e 2 of Form 1 ..................9
1Taxab le wage s , salarie s , tips, an d other e m ployee c ompe n sation.
Do NOT inc l u de deferred co m pensatio n, i nte r est, di v iden d s,
pensions, unemployment compensation, or other unearned income 1
2Net prot or (loss) from self-employment from federal
Schedules C, CEZ, and F (
Form 1040
), Schedule K‑1
(Form 1065)
and any other taxab l e s e lf ‑empl oym e nt or e a rned i nco m e ....... 2
3Comb in e li ne s 1 a n d 2 . T hi s i s ea rne d in com e ................ 3
4Add the am o unt s fro m fe de r a l For m 10 4 0, li n e s 24, 28 and 3 2,
plus repayment of supplemental unemployment benets,
and cont ribu t i o ns to s e cs. 4 0 3(b) and 5 01(c)(18) p e ns i o n p la ns ,
included in line 36, and any Wisconsin disabilit y inc o me
exclusion. Fill i n t h e tot a l of t h e s e adj us t m ent s that app l y to
your or your spo us e’s incom e .............................4
5Subtract line 4 from line 3. This is qualied earned income.
If less than zero, ll in 0 .................................5
6Comp ar e t h e am o unt s i n colu mn s (A) and (B) of line 5.
Fill in the smaller amount here. If more than $16,000, ll in $16,000. . . . . . . . . . . 6
7Rate of cre dit i s .03 (3%) ............................................. 7
8Multip l y li ne 6 by lin e 7. Fill in her e a nd o n l in e 2 9 o n p ag e 2 of Form 1 ........ 8
Schedule 2 – Marr i e d Cou pl e Cr ed i t W h en Bo t h S p ou se s A r e Em p loyed (see pag e 3 6)
Whe n co mpl etin g thi s sch edul e, be sure to fi ll in your i nc ome i n c olum n (A) and your spou se’s inc ome i n c olum n (B)
Do not ll in
mor e t h a n $48 0.
x .03
Form 1 Page 4 of 4
Schedule 1 – Itemized Deduction Credit (see page 30)
x .05
You must su bmi t t his p ag e wit h For m 1 if you cl aim ei t her o f th ese c red it s
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