Fillable Printable Affidavit on Non-Collusion - New Jersy
Fillable Printable Affidavit on Non-Collusion - New Jersy
Affidavit on Non-Collusion - New Jersy
Homeowner Rehabilitation, Reconstruction,
Elevation and Mitigation Program
The State of New Jersey
Request for Qualifications
Qualified Contractor Pool
County of ____________________ §
State of New Jersey §
Comes now, ______________________________________ an authorized representative of
_________________________________________________________, a Respondent to the
Request for Qualifications for the Qualified Contractor Pool and having personal knowledge of
the facts asserted herein makes the following statement:
“The pricing submitted with this response, has been done independently of all other contractors
not included by name in the response associated with this affidavit. To my knowledge, there has
been no attempt to work with other companies or persons to establish a price of the sample
housing by agreement with others to artificially raise or lower the price of the house.
“To the extent that we have worked with material suppliers and subcontractors, it has been in
good faith without any attempt to establish a price for the home for any other pricing submission
other than our own.”
Further the Affiant sayeth not.
On this the _________________ day of ___________, 2013, _____________________________
appeared before me and after having provided proper proof of identification, made the foregoing