Fillable Printable Non-Collusion Declaration - New Orleans
Fillable Printable Non-Collusion Declaration - New Orleans

Non-Collusion Declaration - New Orleans

Non-Collu si on Declaration
A sworn statement shall be submitted in the form of an affidavit as indicated below, executed and sworn
to b y the bidder before persons authorize d by laws of the State to administer oaths. The original ofsuch
sworn statement shall be submitted by the successful bidder
the Award of Contract.
State Project Number: (if applicable)
Name of Project:
(an individual)
(a partnership)
(a corporati on)
cer tify that :
(1) That affiant employed no person, corporation, fi rm, association, or other organization, either directlyor
indirectly, to secure the public contract under which he received payment, other than persons regularly
employed by the affiant whose services in connection with the construction, alteration or demolition of the
publicbuilding or project or in securing the public contract were in the regular course of their duties for
affiant, and
(2) That no part of the contract price received byaffiant was paid or will be paid to any person,
corporation, firm, association, or otherorganization for soliciti ng the contract, other than the payment of
their normal compensation to persons regularly employed by the affiant whose services in connection
with the construction, alteration or demolition of the public building or project were in the regular course of
their duties for affiant.
(an individual)
(a partnership)
(a corporation)
By _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ _______________________
Title _________________________________________
Parish or county ___ ___________________________________________________________________
State of _____________________________________________________________________________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of, 20.
NOTA RY PUBLIC (signature)
NOTARY PUBLI C (printed nam e)
______________________ __________________