Fillable Printable Agreement Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Agreement Letter Sample

Agreement Letter Sample
Agreement Letter Template
Sep 2010
Subject: Marketing agreement between two companies
This letter is with regards to the advertisement given in the yesterdays
newspaper & we feel proud to introduce ourselves as M/s ABC advertising
agency. We are ready to take up your proposal of doing marketing work for
your company. We will charge $10,000 for a week for this work of
marketing. This price includes print material like posters, handbills, radio
announcements, advertisements in local newspaper as well as on
television channels & also street-to-street mike announcements. Your
company will give the wordings of the announcement & the payment can
be made after the work gets complete. Mode of payment will be through
cheques & payment should be made in three installments, first on
agreement, second at the time when work commences & lastly when the
work is completed.
Yours sincerely,
Shane Michaels
M/s ABC advertising agency