Fillable Printable Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart
Fillable Printable Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart

Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart

Alphabet Chart
Form Ancient Picture Ancient Meaning Name Sound Derivatives
Modern Middle Ancient Modern Ancient Modern Ancient Greek Latin .
a ) Head of an ox strong, power, leader aleph al silent a Α A
b b Tent floorplan family, house, in beyt bet b,bh b,bh Β B
g g Foot gather, walk, carry gimel gam g g Γ C,G
d d Tent door movement, hang, enter dalet dal d d ∆ D
h h Arms of man raised look, reveal, breath, sigh hey hey h h,e Ε E
w w Tent peg add, secure, hook vav waw v,o,u w,o,u
z z Mattock food, cut, weapon zayin zan z z Ζ Z
x x Tent wall outside, divide, half hhet hhets hh hh Η H
j + Clay basket surround, contain, mud tet thet t th Θ -
y y Closed hand work, throw, worship yud yad y y,i Ι I,J
$,k k Open palm bend, open, allow, tame kaph kaph k,kh k,kh Κ K
l l Shepherd staff teach, yoke, toward, bind lamed lam l l Λ L
~,m m Water chaos, mighty, blood Mem mah m m Μ M
!,n n Sprouting seed continue, heir, son nun nun n n Ν N
s s Thorn grab, hate, protect samech sin s s Ξ X
[ ( Eye watch, know, shade ayin ghan silent gh Ο O
@,p p Open mouth blow, scatter, edge pey pey p,ph p,ph Π P
#,c c Man on his side wait, chase, snare, hunt tsadey tsad ts ts M
q q Sun at the horizon condense, circle, time quph quph q q q
r r Head of a man first, beginning, top resh resh r r Ρ R
v,f $ Two front teeth sharp, press, eat, two shin,sin shin sh,s sh Σ S
t t Two crossed sticks mark, sign, signature tav taw t t Τ T
* Ancient letter not carried over into Modern Greek.