Fillable Printable Animal Report Outline
Fillable Printable Animal Report Outline

Animal Report Outline

Animal Report Outline
I. Introduction
A. The animal chosen
B. Reason for choosing this animal
C. Group that your animal belongs to (ex: mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian)
D. Is your animal extinct or on an endangered list?
II. Appearance
A. Description of the animal (size, shape, color)
B. Any differences between males and females
C. Camouflage (How does the animal’s appearance help ‘hide’ it?)
D. Create a “Did you know” question about the animal’s appearance
III. Food
A. What your animal eats
B. Where (and how) your animal finds its food
C. Create a “Did you know” question about the animal and its food
IV. Habitat
A. Where your animal lives (land or water)
B. Home of the animal
C. Types of animals and plants found where it lives
D. Create a “Did you know” question about the animal’s habitat
V. Reproduction
A. Gestation (How long is the mother pregnant?)
B. Number of babies (Are they born alive or in eggs?)
C. Care of the babies (who cares for them?)
D. Create a “Did you know” question about this animal’s babies
VI. Enemies
A. Who are the enemies (people, other animals, or environment?)
B. How the animal protects itself
C. How people can help protect the animal
VII. Conclusion
A. One or two interesting facts you have learned about this animal that you
didn’t know before
B. What you think people should remember about this animal
Bibliography-List of your sources on the last page
(,, and are all good online sources to create a

Diet (Food)

Reproduction (How it cares for its young)

Enemies (predators)
Bibliography (Where did you get your information?):