Fillable Printable Animal Report Planner
Fillable Printable Animal Report Planner

Animal Report Planner
Animal Report Planner/Writing Guide
Name:___________ Animal:___________
Introduction Paragraph
This animal report is abo ut a _______________________. In this report I will discuss
the habitat, food chain, interesting facts about and human impact on ______________.
Second Paragraph
What does your animal look like?
What is the habitat of your animal?
Where in the world can your animal be found?
Third Paragraph
Where is your animal in the animal kingdom?
What does your animal eat?
Is it a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore?
What are the predators of your animal?
Fourth Paragraph
Interesting facts about your animal (give at least three)
Fifth Paragraph
How have humans impacted your animal?
Conclusion Paragraph
This report was about a ________________ included was information about the habitat,
food chain, interesting facts about and human impact on ______________.
Editing List (check off each thing you have completed)
_____ Does every paragraph include all the needed information?
_____ Did you indent every paragraph?
_____ Do you have a capital letter and end mark for every sentence?
_____ Did you check your paper for accurate spelling?
_____ Did you read your paper out loud to someone or have another student read
it to make sure it made sense?
_____ Did you have the teacher help edit your paper (this is done last)?