Fillable Printable Application for Australian Passport
Fillable Printable Application for Australian Passport

Application for Australian Passport

Your checklist
Online form PC8_0814
Application for an Australian Passport
If you have any questions
about this form or about
how to get an Australian
passport, or if you wish
tocomment about our
service, offer suggestions
for improvement, or
register a complaint, visit
our website or contact
your nearest Australian
diplomatic mission or
Protect your identity
Keep your passport
safe at all times.
Report its loss or theft
See page 5 for details.
find your nearest
Australian diplomatic
mission or consulate
PAssPOrt website
befOre YOu trAvel
visit the Department’s website
to view the latest travel advice
The following things will help you complete the form correctly, speed up your application
and minimise our requests for further information:
Completing your form
and print within the boxes in
Complete the form in English.
If you are not required to give information in some parts of the form, leave the boxes blank—
do not mark or cross them out.
Choose an appropriate guarantor to endorse your photograph and complete section 11 of the form.
Your guarantor must either possess a current Australian passport or be employed in an approved
professional or occupational group. See page 4 for more details.
lodging your form
Adult applications should be lodged in person by the applicant at the nearest Australian diplomatic
mission or consulate. Child applications should be lodged byaparent/person with parental
responsibility for the child (the lodging parent is not required to be an Australian citizen). The
parent/person lodging the application should also bring photographic proof of their identity. You
maybe required to make an appointment to lodge this application. Please visit the Australian
diplomatic mission or consulate website for details.
what to bring to your passport appointment
Your completed form.
The application fee. Check with the Australian diplomatic mission or consulate for details of the
currentfee and acceptable methods and currency of payment.
Your current or most recent Australian passport if you have one.
Documents that prove your Australian citizenship and your identity (see page 2).
If you are under 18 years of age (and have never been married): your full original birth certificate
showing the names of your parents and your full name at birth. (Australian birth extracts and
commemorative certificates are not acceptable.)
Name change documents, if applicable (see page 3).
Two colour photographs, less than six months old, with one signed as a true photograph of the
applicant by the guarantor (seepage 4).
You must provide original supporting documents
You must provide approved English translations for any foreign language documents.
All Australian citizens can apply — if you have any questions or doubts, or require proof
of yourAustralian citizenship, contact the Department of Immigration and Border Protection
(DIBP) in Australia on131 880, visit their website or contact your
nearestAustralian diplomatic mission or consulate.
Use this form — only if you are an Australian citizen who is applying for an Australian
If you are renewing your Australian adult passport — visit to see
ifyou areeligible to use the streamlined renewal process. If you qualify you can complete and
print the one page renewal form. Phone your nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate
if you need help.
Processing time for your passport: Please allow for a turnaround time of three weeks. If you
haveanurgent need totravel, contact your nearestAustralian diplomatic mission orconsulate.
Parental consent: Under Australian law, the written consent of each person with parental
responsibility for a child is required before a passport may be issued to the child. Forfurther
information, read the notes on page 3 or visit

notes for completing the form
Online form PC8_0814
Category A
All Category A documents should be current at the time of
Current driving licence issued by an Australian/foreign government’s
driving/traffic/motor vehicle licensing authority.
foreign residency iD card
Australian Proof of Age or Photo card
Category b
All Category b documents must be current at the time of
application, with the exception of the Australian Passport.
Health card issued by a government authority
social security card issued by a government authority
Department of veterans’ Affairs card
or equivalent issued by a government authority
Credit card or bank account card
national insurance card
issued by a government authority
foreign passport
Previous Australian Passport issued on or after 1 July 2000 with
morethan two years validity that has not been expired for over ten years.
Category C
All Category C documents must be no more than 12 months old at
the time of application and show your current residential address.
motor vehicle registration or insurance papers
Property rates notice or property lease agreement
Home insurance papers
utilities bills
bank or credit card statements
if you are 18 years of age or over (or have been married) you
must also provide one of the following three combinations of
original documents to support your identity:
Combination 1—two documents
■ One document from category A, and
■ One document from category b
nOte: if neither of these documents shows your current address,
youwill also need to provide one document from category C
thatshows your current address.
Combination 2 (if you cannot provide combination 1)
■ two documents from category b, and
■ One official document that includes your photograph
nOte: if none of these documents shows your current address,
youwill also need to provide one document from category C
thatshows yourcurrent address.
Combination 3 (if you cannot meet combination 1 or combination 2)
■ At least three documents from category C that show your name
and current address, and
■ One official document that includes your photograph and signature.
nOte: If you choose Combination 3 to confirm your identity, your
application will take longer to process and you will not be eligible
touse the Priority Processing Service.
Australian citizenship certificate (or an extract from the
registerofcitizenship by descent or an extract from the
registerofAustralian births abroad)
if your Australian citizenship document does not show your
sexorplace and country of birth, you mustprovide your
birthcertificate or, if you cannot present your birthcertificate,
what citizenship and identity documents will you need to provide with your application?
You must provide original documents to confirm your Australian citizenship
Adult applicants must provide additional proof of their identity
You must bring your current or most recent Australian passport if you have one
Child applicants must provide their birth certificate
A full Australian birth certificate (extracts and
commemorative certificates are not acceptable)
If you were born on or after 20 August 1986, proof of
citizenship — either your Australian passport or one of the
following documents, valid at the time of your birth, for one
of your parents: Australian passport, full Australian birth
certificate, Australian citizenship certificate or Australian
permanent resident status.
Your current or most recent Australian passport (if you have one).
if you are under 18 years of age and have never been
you must provide your birth certificate.
You must bring your current Australian passport with you to your
appointment where it will be cancelled. If the passport contains valid
visas that you wish to continue using, contact the foreign embassy/
consulate that issued them.
If your parent was born in Australia on or after
20August1986, or held permanent residency status at
the time of your birth, you will need to provide additional
citizenship evidence. Visit for
additional information.
Your birthcertificate mustshow your full name and the
names of both your parents.

notes for completing the form
Please show us the child’s original full birth certificate that
shows the names of his or her parents, and make sure that
bothparents complete sections 12–15 of this form.
It is a requirement of the Australian Passports Act 2005 that consent to the
issue of an Australian passport to an unmarried person under 18 years of age,
must be provided by each person with parental respon sibility for the applicant.
Consentmay not be conditional and is required for the full validity ofthe
A person has parental responsibility for a child if, and only if:
■ the person:
■ is the child’s parent (including a person who is presumed to be the
child’sparent because of a presumption (other than in section 69Q) in
Sub-division D of Division 12 of Part VII of the Family Law Act 1975),
■ has not ceased to have parental responsibility for the child because of
anorder made under the Family Law Act 1975
■ the person has a residence order or a contact order in relation to the child
■ the person has a specific issues order in relation to the child under which
they are responsible for the child’s long-term or day-to-day care, welfare
and development
■ the person is entitled to guardianship or custody of, or access to, the child
under a law of the Commonwealth, a state or a territory.
Providing parental consent for a child applicant
■ if you cannot show us the full birth certificate, contact your
nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate for advice.
■ if the current names of either parent are different from those
on the birth certificate, please show us documents that explain
the change of name (i.e. a certificate of name change from the
Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages or a marriage certificate
issued by a celebrant or RBDM).
■ if court orders concerning the child are in force, please present
those orders. Foreign court orders may be taken into account in
assessing an application but even if they remove parental rights
of a person, they do not override the consent requirements under
Australian passport legislation. Any foreign language court order
presented must be accompanied by a full translation provided by
an approved translating and interpreting service.
■ if either parent has died, please show us evidence of the death.
■ if you cannot get consent from both parents (e.g. because you
do not know the whereabouts of one parent) contact your nearest
Australian diplomatic mission or consulate.
■ Parental consent is valid for six months from the date the
parentsigns at section 15; after that period, consent must be
reconfirmed before processing can continue.
■ the parental consent section of this form can be lodged at
anyparticipating Australia Post retail outlet, Passport Office
orAustralian diplomatic mission or consulate.
throughout this form, the term ‘parent(s)’ means the child’s
mother, father or other person with parental responsibility
for the child (see definition below).
If the name to appear in your passport is different (or anglicised)
from the name on your birth certificate or citizenship certificate
you must provide original documents to support your new name.
Acceptable documents include:
■ revised Australian birth, change of name, marriage or registered
relationship certificate that has been issued by an Australian
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (RBDM)
■ revised Australian citizenship certificate
■ most recent passport issued on or after 20 August 1986 with at
least two years validity, if the name has not been replaced with
another name registered with an Australian RBDM or stated on
anAustralian citizenship certificate
■ foreign marriage or name change certificates are accepted to
support a name change only if you are unable to obtain name
change documentation from an Australian RBDM.
If you have resumed the use of a previous name you must bring
documents that explain your resumed name (e.g. divorce, marriage,
birth, citizenship certificate).You may be able to use this name as
long as you have not formally renounced its use and no other name
change has occurred.
If you have changed your name more than once, include the most
recent name change on the form and provide all original documents
that explain all name changes you have had since birth or since
obtaining Australian citizenship.
If the name change is due to marriage, divorce or death of a spouse,
entering or ceasing to be in a registered or de facto relationship, or
transitioning to another gender, and your passport has at least two
years validity at the time of application, your replacement passport
may be issued free of charge with the same expiry date as the
passport being replaced (a priority processing fee may still apply).
All documents must be original. Foreign documentation must be
legalised and where applicable, translated. If there is no legalisation
process or system for registering a name change in your country
of residence, contact your nearest Australian diplomatic mission or
Further documentation that may be accepted to support a name
change for a child applicant includes:
■ Australian court orders changing the child’s name
■ foreign court orders changing the name of a child, who was
notborn inAustralia and where both parents consent to the
issueof apassport.
if you have changed your name, additional documents may be required
Online form PC8_0814

notes for completing the form
the guarantor must:
be 18 years of age or over
not be related to the applicant by birth or marriage
not be in a de facto or registered relationship with you or a parent
of a child applicant (thisincludes a same sexrelationship)
not live at the same address as the applicant or a parent
have known the applicant for at least 12 months or, for
childrenunder one year, since birth
either: A. possess a current Australian passport
B. be a person of any nationality currently employed in one
of the approved occupational or professional groups listed
with the Australian diplomatic mission or consulate where
this form will be lodged (
be able to endorse the back of one photograph as shown
agree to be contacted by an Australian Passport Office
representative toconfirm the applicant’s identity.
Height: 45mm–50mm
Providing two identical photographs
You will need a guarantor to endorse the photograph and complete part of the form
Width: 35mm–40mm
Due to security printing
requirements, images
reproduced in passports will
not be of photographic quality
and will appear different from
the photographs supplied.
The chin-to-crown measurement
must be between 32mm and
36mm (the crown is where the
top of the head/skull would be
ifit were visible).
Two identical colour photographs of the applicant must be provided
with the completed application form. One must be endorsed by
The photographs must be less than six months old and should meet
Australian Passport Office photographic guidelines. For full detailsof
our requirements visit our website, orcontact
your nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate.
Photographs that do not meet our requirements will be rejected
andthis will delay the issue of your passport.
Photograph size:
This is a true
photo of
(full name of applicant)
J Smith
(signature of guarantor)
reverse of one photograph:
Please check that the guarantor
you choose can meet all of these
requirements before they sign the
photograph. If theperson you choose
does not meet all the requirements you
will have to supply new photographs and
information from another guarantor.
Note: The guarantor’s declaration must
be less than six months old at the time
the application is lodged.
The Australian Passports Act 2005 authorises the Australian
Passport Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
to collect the personal information provided with this application
for an Australian passport, including supporting documents and
photographs, to determine an applicant’s eligibility. Without this
information we are unable to process the application.
We may also collect personal information from third parties
suchas law enforcement or security agencies where the third
parties provide us with information relevant to your application
for a passport.
We may disclose your personal information for the provision
ofconsular services; and to other entities or individuals who
arespecified in the Australian Passports Act 2005, such as:
■■ the immigration department, civil registries, and licensing
authorities, that can verify information and assist to establish
your identity and eligibility
Interpol and its member countries and other countries for
purposes such as advising about the status of a passport
tolawenforcement authorities; to Australian border authorities to
facilitate international travel; and to law courts for the operation
offamily law and related matters.
We are authorised by law to disclose your personal information
toforeign border authorities:
■■ if we suspect there is unlawful activity relating to your passport
■■ for law enforcement purposes
■■ in countries with which Australia participates in the Regional
Movement Alert System.
We may also use your current and past information for testing,
training and research purposes (phone 131 232 or inform your
nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate if you object).
For information on how to access or correct personal information
and how to complain about a breach of privacy, please refer to
the ‘Protecting your privacy’ brochure available on our website, or phone your nearest Australian
diplomaticmission or consulate.
notice about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information
Online form PC8_0814

lost and stolen passports
lost or stolen passports provide criminals with the opportunity to assume another identity, to carry out criminal activity in
another name, and to travel illegally. the Australian Passports Act 2005 contains measures to encourage Australians to
better protect their passports. to report the loss or theft of your passport or for full details oradvice on the fee you will be
required to pay, or call the nearest Australian diplomatic mission or consulate.
Any lost and stolen fee must be paid on lodgement, unless the
missing passport can be presented at interview. If the loss or
theft of the passport falls within certain limited compassionate
circumstances, a refund of the fee may be applicable.
Australian passports reported lost or stolen are permanently
cancelled and are no longer valid for travel. Where the passport is
found and returned, by the holder, to a passport office in Australia
or an Australian diplomatic mission or
consulate within three
months of it having been reported as
lost or stolen, a refund of
onebasic lost or stolen fee may be considered.
A passport is only officially considered lost or stolen after
theloss or theft has been reported to a passport office.
Where this form is being used to obtain a replacement passport for
one that has been lost or stolen, you will need to pay an additional
fee on top of the normal lodgement fee. The amount will depend on
the number of passports you have lost or had stolen over the past
five years from date of lodgement of this form.
Report the number of passports you have lost or had stolen in the
past five years at section 10 of this form. This information cannot
be provided at interview and you must complete section 10 before
you lodge this form.
it is a criminal offence under the Australian Passports Act 2005 to make false or misleading statements (there are penalties of up to 10 years’
imprisonment or a fine of 1000 penalty units or both).
the Australian Passports Act 2005 also provides penalties for Australians who do not
report the loss or theft of their Australian passport to an Australian passport office (phone 131 232), or an Australian diplomatic mission or
consulate, or at as soon as practicable.
refund of application fee
The application fee is only refundable in extenuating or
unusual circumstances. A decision not to issue a passport or
travel-related document is generally not considered to be an
extenuating or unusual circumstance.
A decision not to refund
an application fee is a reviewable decision under section 48(j)
of the Australian Passports Act 2005. For further information on
how to apply for a refund or seek a review of a decision, please
contact the Australian diplomatic mission or consulate where
you lodged your application or visit the passports website at
The declaration at section 17 must be signed by the applicant
orparent of a child applicant.
If a child applicant is between 10 and 18 years of age, they
are required to sign the form at section 18, under the parent’s
declaration (unless they are unable to sign for themselves).
Thissignature will appear inthe passport.
If the child is under 10 years of age, they are not required
to sign.
You must keep your signature within the white box.
signing the form
Practice signature box
Online form PC8_0814