- Application for Certified Copy of Marriage License - Maryland
- Application for Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate - Kansas
- Non-Resident Marriage License or Certificate Application Form - Maryland
- Application for Marriage Certificate - Alaska
- Application for License and Certificate of Marriage - California
- Application for Marriage License or Certificate - Colorado
Fillable Printable Application for Marriage License or Certificate - Colorado
Fillable Printable Application for Marriage License or Certificate - Colorado

Application for Marriage License or Certificate - Colorado

STATE OF COLORADO APPLICATION FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE County of ____________ License # ________
Legal Name: ___________ ____ ____ _______ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ _______ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ __
First Middle Name Last Suffix
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Number/Street City State/ Zip
Birth Date: ______/_______/_______ Last name at birth if different (opt):
Social Security Number: ___________________________ City&State of Birth: _________________ _____________
Father/Legal Guardian: __________ _______ ____ _________________________ City&State:___________________
First Middle Name Last
Mother/Legal Guardian: __________ _______ ____ _________________________ City&State:__________________
First Middle Name Maiden & Last
Present Marital Status:
(circle one)
Single Widowed Divorced Married
If Divorced or Wido wed Date: ___/_____/_____ City&State: _____________________ Type of Court: _________
Proof of Age:
(circle one)
Valid Drivers License Passport Birth Certificate Other
Legal Name:___________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Name Last Previous Married Name
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Number/Street City State/Zip
Birth Date: ______/_______/_________ Last name at birth if different (opt): __________________ ______________
Social Security Number: ___________________________ City&State of Birth: _________________ _____________
Father/Legal Guardian: __________ ___ ____ _______ ______________________ City&State: _________ _________
First Middle Name Last
Mother/Legal Guardian: __________ ___ ____ _______ ______________________ City&State: _________ _________
First Middle Name Maiden & Last
Present Marital Status:
(circle one)
Single Widowed Divorced Married
If Divorced or Wido wed Date: ___/_____/_____ City&State: _____________________ Type of Court: _________
Proof of Age:
(circle one)
Valid Drivers License Passport Birth Certificate Other
Are the applicants related by blood? Y or N How? _____________________________ _______
Married Status:
(circle one)
Common Law Renewing your vows Other
We the undersigned hereby make application for a license to unite in marriage and under oath we state that the information given is true
and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief and there exists no legal reason why we should not be married.
MALE Signature: _______________________________ FEMALE Signature: _____________________________
Subscribed and sworn to me this _____ day of ________ _, 20___ at ________ __m.
_______________________________ By: __________________________________
County Clerk and Recorder Deputy County Clerk
Type of Ceremony:
(circle one)
Religious Civil Self Date of Cerem ony: ____ ___________________
Return Mail Address_____________________________________________________
Recording Info
Form M-1, Approv ed by the Office of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, Revised 06/2005