- Application for Certified Copy of Marriage License - Maryland
- Application for Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate - Kansas
- Application for Marriage Certificate - Alaska
- Non-Resident Marriage License or Certificate Application Form - Maryland
- Application for Marriage License or Certificate - Colorado
- Application for License and Certificate of Marriage - California
Fillable Printable Non-Resident Marriage License or Certificate Application Form - Maryland
Fillable Printable Non-Resident Marriage License or Certificate Application Form - Maryland

Non-Resident Marriage License or Certificate Application Form - Maryland

Maryland Circuit Court Clerk’s Office Use Only
Marriage License Number _________________________________ Local Number _________________________________
Please print legibly or type – See attached instructions
Maryland county where marriage ceremony is to take place:
□ __________________________ County OR □ Baltimore City
Date of Ceremony, if known: _____________________________
I/We hereby make application for a marriage license in accordance with Maryland law, and make the following statements UNDER OATH, to wit:
PARTY 1: Give full legal name
Age: _________
Middle _____________________________ Last _________________________________ Sr/Jr/etc _____
Residence: (Number and Street)______________________________________________
State/Country of Birth _______________________
*Social Security Number ____________________
* required per Maryland Code Annotated, Family Law Article, §2-402(b)(3)
Marital Status (check one):
□ Single
□ Widowed – Date(s) and State/Country of death of spouse(s):____________________________________________________________________
□ Divorced – Date(s) and State/Country where divorce(s) granted: ________________________________________________________________
NOTE: For every previous marriage, the date and the state or foreign country in which the marriage ended, and whether the
marriage ended by death of spouse or divorce, is required. Attach additional sheet if needed.
If Party 1 is under 18, name of person giving the minor consent to wed: ____________________________________________
Check one: □ Parent □ Legal Guardian (attach completed consent form)
PARTY 2: Give full legal name
Age: _________
Middle _____________________________ Last _________________________________ Sr/Jr/etc _____
Residence: (Number and Street)______________________________________________
State/Country of Birth _______________________
*Social Security Number ____________________
* required per Maryland Code Annotated, Family Law Article, §2-402(b)(3)
Marital Status (check one):
□ Single
□ Widowed –Date(s) and State/Country of death of spouse(s):____________________________________________________________________
□ Divorced – Date(s) and State/Country where divorce(s) granted: ________________________________________________________________
NOTE: For every previous marriage, the date and the state or foreign country in which the marriage ended, and whether the
marriage ended by death of spouse or divorce, is required. Attach additional sheet if needed.
Is Party 2 related to Party 1 by either blood or marriage? □ Yes □ No If yes, what is the relationship? __________________________________________
(e.g.: second cousins; aunt/nephew; step-sister/step-brother; etc.)
If Party 2 is under 18, name of person giving the minor consent to wed: _____________________________________________
Check one: □ Parent □ Legal Guardian (attach completed consent form)
License delivery instructions:
Check one: □ Parties will pick up the license at the issuing Circuit Court Clerk’s office.
□ Mail the license to (name and mailing address): ____________________________________________________________________
THE BEST OF OUR INFORMATION AND BELIEF. (May be signed by one or both parties.)
Signature of Party 1
Signature of Party 2
Only one party’s signature is required,
though both may sign if present.
Phone ________________________________ Phone _________________________________
To be completed by an official, comparable to a Maryland Clerk of Circuit Court, from the county, state, province or country where the applicant resides.
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this ____ day of ____________________, 20___ at _________ o’clock __.m.
Printed Name ___________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________
Name of Court or Office: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address of Court or Office: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Signature and Seal of Comparable Official
(Seal) See attached instructions
for more information

Maryland Non-Resident Marriage License Application – Affidavit
Note: This process is not available to applicants for a Cecil County, Maryland, marriage license. The Cecil County Clerk
of Court will, however, sign the form for Cecil County residents wishing to apply for a marriage license in another
Maryland county.
A Maryland marriage license can be used - a marriage ceremony can take place - ONLY in the county where the marriage
license is issued. The license must be obtained and presented to the official who will be performing the marriage
ceremony before the ceremony may take place. It is the responsibility of the parties to know the Maryland county in
which the ceremony site is located, and to obtain the marriage license from the Clerk of Circuit Court for that county or,
if in Baltimore City, the Clerk of Circuit Court for Baltimore City. Please note that Baltimore City and Baltimore County
are two separate and distinct political subdivisions, and a license issued by the Clerk of Circuit Court for one political
subdivision cannot be used in the other political subdivision.
Who can apply for a Maryland marriage license using a Non-Resident Marriage License Application Affidavit (NRMLA
Affidavit)? An applicant can use a NRMLA Affidavit if neither party to be married is a resident of the county/Baltimore
City where the marriage ceremony will take place. If either party is a resident of the county/Baltimore City where the
marriage ceremony will take place, the NRMLA Affidavit cannot be used - one of the parties will need to apply for the
marriage license in person at the Clerk’s Office in that county/Baltimore City.
How to apply using the NRMLA Affidavit?
1. Find out in which Maryland county/Baltimore City the marriage ceremony will take place. The license must be
obtained from the Clerk of Circuit Court for that county/Baltimore City.
Contact the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court for the county/Baltimore City where the ceremony will take place to
find out what the fee is, in that county, for a marriage license. Also, get the mailing address for that Clerk’s office. Fees vary
from county to county, and the parties will mail the completed NRMLA Affidavit, with the appropriate fee, to that office.
Contact information for Clerks of Circuit Courts can be found here (http://www.mdcourts.gov/circuit/index.html).
3. A Party(s) takes the NRMLA Affidavit form (3 pages) to the office of a public official in the county, state, province or
country where the party resides whose duties are comparable to that of a Maryland Clerk of Circuit Court. The clerk of any
court, a Prothonotary, a Recorder of Deeds, or an official whose duty it is to issue marriage licenses, are examples of
“comparable officials.” A notary public is NOT a “comparable official.”
4. Ask the “comparable official” if they will execute the form. This process is allowed by Maryland law, but Maryland law
does not govern officials of other states or nations. Therefore, an official outside of Maryland is not required to, and may
choose not to, provide this service. In that event, application will have to be made in person at the office of the Clerk of Circuit
Court for the Maryland county in which the marriage ceremony will take place.
5. If the “comparable official” will provide the service, complete all information requested (all information is required by
Maryland law, including social security number), but do not sign the form until the “comparable official” asks. It must be
signed in the presence of the “comparable official.”
6. The “comparable official” will ask the applicant(s) to sign the form, and will then complete the block at the bottom of
the form, sign the form, and apply the Seal of their office. The “comparable official” will then return the signed form to the
applicant(s) for mailing, along with the appropriate fee, to the Maryland Clerk of Circuit Court for the county/Baltimore City
where the marriage ceremony will take place.
7. If a party to be married is under the age of 18, and a parent or guardian is providing consent, have the attached
“Consent of Parent or Guardian” form completed and signed by the parent/guardian, and witnessed by a Notary Public.
Once the NRMLA Affidavit form is fully executed, mail it, along with any Consent of Parent or Guardian forms, and a
certified check or money order (personal checks are not accepted) in the appropriate amount (see item 2 above) for the
marriage license fee, payable to Clerk of Circuit Court, to the Clerk of Circuit Court for the Maryland county/Baltimore City in
which the marriage ceremony will take place. Marriage licenses in Maryland do not take effect until 2 days after the date an
application is received in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, but are good for 6 months from that date. It is recommended
that the applicant(s) mail the NRMLA affidavit at least three weeks before the wedding date, to allow time for delivery by the
US Post Office, and for resolution of any problems the Clerk may have with the application. Be sure to include a phone number
for at least one of the parties, so the clerk can contact the parties if there are any problems with the application, or if additional
information is required.
9. Once the NRMLA Affidavit is processed, the marriage license will be mailed or held for pick up according to the
applicant’s instructions on the form.
NOTE: In some Maryland counties, if either party is under 18 years of age, the license will not be mailed, and must be
picked up at the clerk’s office. Additional documentation (e.g.: birth certificate; guardianship order) may be required to
show proof that the consenting person is in fact a parent or guardian of the minor party. Contact the Clerk’s office in
advance to find out what additional documentation, if any, will be required.
Maryland marriage laws can be found in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Family Law Article, Title 2.

Under Maryland Law (Annotated Code of Maryland, Family Law Article, §2-301), in addition to the marriage license application,
individuals under 18 years of age must provide additional documentation to be married, as follows:
An individual 16 or 17 years of age: Must have EITHER:
Written consent of a parent or guardian, in which the parent/guardian swears that the individual is at least 16 years of age; OR
A certificate signed by a licensed physician or a certified nurse practitioner, on the physician’s/nurse practitioner’s letterhead, stating
the following:
I hereby certify that I have examined ______________________________(name of the woman to be married)
and have found that she is pregnant or has given birth to a child.
An individual 15 years of age must have BOTH:
Written consent of a parent or guardian, in which the parent guardian swears that the individual is at least 15 years of age, AND
A certificate signed by a licensed physician or certified nurse practitioner, on the physician’s/nurse practitioner’s letterhead, stating
the following:
I hereby certify that I have examined ______________________________(name of the woman to be married)
and have found that she is pregnant or has given birth to a child.
An individual under 15 years of age may not marry in Maryland.
To use the “Consent of Parent or Guardian to Issue a Marriage License” below, follow these steps:
Take the form below to any Notary Public in any State or County;
Complete the Consent portion of the form in the presence of the Notary Public;
Notary Public will complete the Acknowledgement portion of the form;
Deliver the completed form to your son/daughter/ward, for mailing with the Nonresident Application for Marriage License
to the appropriate Maryland Clerk of Circuit Court.
(Note: Although not required, both parents may give consent by completing separate consent forms.)
(Please type or print legibly)
In support of the application having been made for issuance of a Maryland Marriage License
to _____________________________________ (name of minor), a minor under the age of 18 years,
I, _____________________________________ (name of parent/guardian giving consent), hereby certify that I am
the □ parent □ guardian of ________________________________________ (name of minor), who is aged _____ (age of minor)
years, having been born on ___________________, ______ (birth date of minor), and I further hereby give my consent for the said
________________________________________ (name of minor), my □ son □ daughter □ ward, to be married to
_______________________________________ (name of person to whom minor is to be married) , and hereby direct the Maryland Clerk
of Circuit Court to whom the marriage license application is delivered, to issue the license for such marriage.
____________________________________________ (Seal)
Signature of Parent or Guardian
State of ____________________________, County of ________________________________
I hereby certify that on the ______ day of _______________________, 20_____, before me, the subscriber, a
______________________________________ of the State of _____________________, in and for the County of
______________________________________________, personally appeared _______________________________, and
acknowledged the foregoing certificate to be his/her act and deed.
Witness my hand and seal ______________________________________
My Commission expires _______________________________________