Fillable Printable Cover Letter Examples
Fillable Printable Cover Letter Examples

Cover Letter Examples

Your Name
Street Address
City, State Zip
Phone Number
Today’s Date
Hiring Person
Hiring Person’s Job Title
Hiring Person’s Company
Company Mailing Address
City, State Zip
Dear Mr./Mrs. Hiring Person,
In the first paragraph, tell how you heard about the job opening * (or about the company, if this is not an
advertised job but rather one you are trying to discover or create by making direct contact). Mention the actual
job title, and say that you’re sending a resume that shows how you’re qualified for that particular job.
(*Try to find somebody who personally knows the Hiring person, and ask if you may say in your cover
letter “Bill Smith suggested I write to you directly”. A name the hiring person recognizes helps
tremendously in getting you noticed.)
In the second paragraph show some enthusiasm and interest in the company, and appreciation for their
products. If you know of a problem or opportunity facing the company, mention it – without in any way
criticizing the company. Give an example of something you could do to help resolve the problem or help take
advantage of the opportunity.
(The best example would be something similar that you did for a previous employer to improve the
In the third paragraph, tell how you will follow through. “I’ll call your office early next week to see if we could
meet soon and discuss this job opening.”
(Of, if you’re exploring for unadvertised jobs that may come up: “I’ll call your office next week to see if
we could meet soon to discuss your company’s need for help in the near future.”)
(Or, if you’re answering a blind ad in the newspaper, and CAN’T call them – just end on an upbeat note
and provide a phone number with an answering machine where you can be reached.)
Joseph Job Hunter
Enclosed: resume
#400 Cover Letter Template – Ready-To-Go Resumes

Stephen Diego
4545 Home Street
Berkeley, CA 94707
(510) 515-5151
January 23, 2009
Jean Cabrillo
V.P., Operations, South America
International Widget Corporation
222 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Dear Jean Cabrillo,
This letter is to express my interest in the position as Systems Engineer for International Widget Corporation in
South America, announced in the December job listing at the UC Berkeley Placement Center. I am also
sending a resume, showing that my expertise exactly matches the requirements listed in the position
This position particularly caught my eye, as I recently read in the Wall Street Journal that International Widget
is considering converting all in-house computers to Windows for DOS. I have a strong software background,
and have just returned from a two-year stint in Argentina where I functioned as an independent computer
specialist/programmer for a variety of businesses. Among other tasks, I installed and utilized Microsoft
products, including Windows for DOS, and I have been developing applications in Microsoft Quick C for
Windows. I earned a reputation among my clients for ensuring product satisfaction, and I would be happy to
supply a list of client references.
I have always admired the success of International Widget, particularly in South America, where I find the
technical developments challenging and rewarding. I would very much enjoy discussing the possibility of our
working together. I look forward to hearing from you.
In the third paragraph, tell how you will follow through. “I’ll call your office early next week to see if we could
meet soon and discuss this job opening.”
Stephen Diego
Enclosed: resume
Example using #400 Cover Letter Template – Written by Susan Ireland