Fillable Printable Application Cover Letter Template
Fillable Printable Application Cover Letter Template

Application Cover Letter Template

Education Cover Letter #3 - Administrative Position
415 Northgate Drive
Milton, Nebraska 69xxx
April 2, 20xx
Dr. Letitia Johnson, Superintendent
Grandview Public Schools
P. O. Box 821597
Grandview, Nebraska xxxxx
Dear Dr. Johnson:
I wish to apply for the position of High School Principal in the Grandview Public
School system as advertised in the March 31 edition of The Omaha World Herald.
As you will note on my enclosed resume, I hold a Master of Education in Education
Administration degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a 7-12 Principal
Endorsement. I have been the Assistant Building Principal at Milton Middle School since
19xx. Prior to that time I taught middle school and high school English.
My resume illustrates specific examples of my leadership and administrative
duties. My evaluations have always noted my strengths as being creative thinking, problem
solving, strong long-range planning, and the ability to communicate with a diverse
population. I believe that my strengths and abilities are exactly what you are looking for
to fill your position.
I enjoy the challenges of education, working with teachers, parents, and students,
and the opportunities to make education happen for each student. I feel that I can be an
effective leader for Grandview High School, a school that has a strong reputation for
providing opportunities for high academic achievement and personal growth for all of its
student population.
I have enclosed my resume, and will send my credentials as your ad requested.
If I can provide any further information, please feel free to call me or e-mail me. Thank
you for your consideration.
Susan T. Ward