Fillable Printable Application Letter: Modified Block Style
Fillable Printable Application Letter: Modified Block Style

Application Letter: Modified Block Style
Application Letter: Modified Block Style
14 Overland Street Youngstown,
OH 33602-1110 15 October
His Excellency S. K. Ghusayni Embassy of Lebanon
2560 28th Street, NW Washington, DC 20008
I am applying for the position of Assistant Professor of English at the
American University of Beirut. Since the position, which was advertised in the
Chronicle of Higher Education, requires some teaching at Université Saint
Joseph, I am sending a set of my credentials to you and to representatives of
the respective institutions. This is a particularly exciting position as I would be
able to use my knowledge of Arabic and French, which would enhance the
effectiveness of my English language instruction.
As my enclosed curriculum vitae indicates, I received a Ph.D., magna cum laude,
with a major in English and Linguistics, from Yale University in 1994. Prior to that,
I obtained a B.A., magna cum laude, in French, and an M.A., summa cum laude,
in French Literature from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Moreover,
during my Fulbright Scholarship for the study of French literature at the
Sorbonne, I read extensively the works of writers from Algeria, Tunis, Martinique,
and other Francophone countries.
The paramount experience that has influenced my decision to apply for this
position, however, was a three-year teaching position at Mohammed V
University in Morocco. Not only did I teach English, but I also developed an
innovative program in Arabic using computer-assisted pedagogy. It was
recognized as a major breakthrough in Arabic language instruction.
During the week of 18 February, I plan to be in Washington, D.C., and would
like to arrange an interview with you at your convenience. I will telephone you
next week to arrange that meeting. Please feel free to call me at 216/555-8209
or fax me at 216/555-8210.
Thank you for your consideration. I remain
Yours truly,
Zoltan M. Zantovsky
Enclosures: Curriculum Vitae
Book Reviews
Disk Containing Arabic Language Course
Letters of Recommendation
Correspondence for the Application Process and the Job Search 69