Fillable Printable Argos Application for Employment Form
Fillable Printable Argos Application for Employment Form

Argos Application for Employment Form

May 2011
Application for
Please complete and return this form to:
Position applied for: Location/Department: Vacancy Number:
Surname: Forenames:
Home Address: Home Telephone No.
Mobile No.
e-mail Address
Post Code:
Work Telephone No.
(if appropriate)
Have you applied to Argos before?
YES / NO If YES please give details:
Has Argos employed you previously?
YES / NO If YES please give details:
Do you require a work permit to
work in the European Community?
(if in doubt please visit the UKBA Website)
Do you have any unspent criminal convictions?
YES / NO If YES please give details:
Where did you learn about this vacancy? Please tick box
Employment Agency Internet Press Advertisement
Please specify ……………………………………………
Introduction from Argos Employee
Please specify ……………………………………………
Do you hold any of the following licences / certificates? (Note: You only need to answer this question where one of the
licences is listed as a requirement of the job you’re applying for )
Full Driving Licence No. of Penalty Points
LGV Licence Class
First Aid Certificate First Aid Cert. Expiry Date: ..………………
Young People & Schoolchildren
Please tick this box if you have left school and you are aged between 16 and 17*.
Please tick this box if you are below the minimum school leaving age*.
*Note: If you are aged 16 or 17 or you are below the minimum school leaving age, there are legal restrictions on the amount of
night work and the daily/weekly hours you can work. Your answer to this question allows us to consider you for vacancies with
working hours which are suitable for your age group.
Important – You will need to provide original documentary evidence that you are entitled to take up employment in the
UK. If you are invited to interview/assessment please ensure that you bring originals of suitable identification documents (e.g. a
passport) together with photocopies for our records. This will enable us to meet our legal obligations and validate your eligibility to
work in the UK. If you require further information about what is acceptable identification documentation, please contact the
recruiting manager prior to attending your interview/assessment.
Please note – we will not be able to progress your application without evidence of your Right to Work in the UK.

May 2011
AVAILABLE WORKING TIMES - for certain roles Customer Services or within Retail it is important to indicate times you are
available to work. If you are interested in working within either of these business areas it is crucial to your application that you
complete this section. (if you are applying to Distribution or Head Office (Avebury) it is not necessary to complete this)
Please indicate by ticking the appropriate box/boxes the days and times you are available to work (Customer Services &/or Retail
applications only):
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Full Days
Secondary Education Dates Subject Level Grade
Name of School From To
GCSE, ‘O’ / ‘A’ level
Further Education – Name of Dates Subject/Course Level Grade
College/University From To
Any other relevant qualification or training
Date Duration Course Organiser / Provider Subject
Membership of any professional bodies

May 2011
Present / Most Recent Employer
Name & Address Job Title
Date Commenced
Date Left (If applicable)
Amount of notice required
Contact for reference
Present Salary £ per
Reasons for leaving/wishing to leave?
Brief description of Roles and Responsibilities:
Previous Employers (please give details of previous employers, starting with the most recent.)
Dates Name & Address Position held & brief description of Reasons for leaving
From To (including contact name for reference) duties
What interests do you have? (include any details of voluntary work etc.)

May 2011
Please give any other information you feel may support your application.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
I certify that the information given is to the best of my knowledge, complete and accurate and I understand that if any
statement is subsequently found to be false or misleading my employment may be terminated.
I agree to the processing of any sensitive personal data, as defined under the Data Protection Act 1998, that I may
have identified or volunteered in the completion of this application form. I understand that in particular the Company
will process information relating to criminal convictions for the purposes of recruitment and any information obtained
will be recorded on file.
I authorise the Company to take up references and acknowledge that any offer of employment is subject to the
satisfactory completion of this process. I understand that no contact will be made with my present employer until an
offer of employment is accepted. I hereby give Argos Ltd authority to obtain other references on my employment
history and to verify any of the information I have given in the completion of this application form.
Signed ……………………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………
Current Job Title Employee No.
Location/Department Grade
Line Managers Name
Current Salary
Now pass your application to your line manager
Please comment briefly on the suitability of the applicant to undertake the duties and responsibilities of the position applied for.
You may wish to make comments under the following headings – Job performance, potential and time keeping.
Managers signature: ……………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………
I confirm that I have spoken with my line manager regarding my application and have seen the comments that my manager has
Signed …………………………………………………………………… Date ………………………………………

May 2011
Note for internal use: This sheet must be removed from the application form before it is handed over for short
The Company processes data relating to ethnic origin solely for the purpose of equal
opportunities monitoring. You are under no obligation to provide the information. If you do not
wish to provide this information please leave the following section blank and tick here:
Ethnic Origin African
Black or Black British - Caribbean Mixed White & Asian
Asian or Asian Black Other Black or Black British – Other Mixed White & Black Caribbean
Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi Caribbean Pakistani
Asian or Asian British – Indian Chinese White
Asian or Asian British – Other Chinese or other ethnic group White British
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Chinese Other White Irish
Bangladeshi Indian White Other
Black or Black British – African Mixed Other Other
Gender Male Age Range 16-19 Religion/Belief Buddist
Female 20-29 Christian
Transgender 30-39 Hindu
60-64 Sikh
65+ No Religion
Title Mr Marital Status Single Disability Yes
Mrs Married No
Ms Civil Partnership
Miss Divorced
Dr Widowed
If you have answered ‘yes’ to the
disability question, please describe
any reasonable adjustments we
should make:
a) At Interview b) In the Workplace (If appointed)