
Fillable Printable Atlassian Project Plan Template

Fillable Printable Atlassian Project Plan Template

Atlassian Project Plan Template

Atlassian Project Plan Template

Project Plan template
The project plan is the go-to page for everyone who is involved in the project or wants to find out more about it. As with all important project
information, keep it updated regularly throughout the project and share it with the project team and stakeholders. The Benefits Measurement
section at the end is key - in addition to meeting time/cost/scope goals, the project should have measurable success criteria for providing
value to the company.
Project Plan
Project: <name>
Overall Status: <select from / / / ON TRACKAT RISKBLOCKEDON HOLD
Major Milestones
StageDate & Status
Project Kickoff
22 July
Milestone 1
16 Aug
Milestone 2
30 Aug
Milestone 3
13 Sep
27 Sep
<List key milestones, management reviews, demos, etc. Colour of cell indicates status.>
Project Team
Exec Sponsor
Project Lead
Team Members
Informed / Other Stakeholders
Why are we doing this?
<Explain briefly why are we spending time and money on this project, rather than everything else on the backlog. How does it
align with the company strategy? Draw this information from the Idea Elevator Pitch.>
<Clear and concise list of what the project will achieve>
<List the major blocks of work and/or deliverables in priority order. For clarity, also include a summary of what is in scope.>not
Must Have
Should Have
Nice to Have
Out of Scope
Project Workstreams
Sub-Project/WorkstreamLeaderCurrent Status
<Add links to Weekly Status Reports for more information>.
Related Activities
<Add links and status info for other projects/activities that this project depends on or is a prerequisite for.>
Top 5 Risks
<List this week's Top 5 risks that your key stakeholders need to know about. Draw this info from the Risk Register and include a link to it for
details. Use a simple bullet point list, or a table with status info, etc.
Remember that assumptions (things that have been assumed true for planning purposes) and constraints (limits on time, people, budget,
>access to customers and/or other resources) may be sources of risk.
Top Issues
<Include the top few that your stakeholders need to know about. Draw these from your> Issues List.
Project Links
<Insert links to detailed project information>
JIRA Project/Rapid Board
Idea Elevator Pitch
Weekly Status Reports
Risk Register
Risk Identification Workshop
Issues List
Assumptions List
Constraints List
Milestone Demos
Interim Retrospectives
Benefits Measurement
These are the benefits we expect to realise if the project is successful.
FactorBenefit ABenefit B
Cost To Do:
Cost To Maintain:
<e.g. 4 developers x 5
days> = 20 dev-days
<e.g. 3
Same as Benefit A
Metric(s) to be tracked<e.g. Time to deploy a
new instance>
<e.g. Reduction in
support case
As-is (current)
<e.g. 7 minutes><e.g. 9
To-be (target)
<e.g. 3 minutes><e.g. 6
Savings$/Wk: <e.g. (# new
instances/week * 4 mins
* support staff
$/Wk: <e.g. (12 mins
(av. escalation duration)
* 3 escalations
* support leader
$/Yr: <($/Wk*52)>$/Yr: <($/Wk*52)>
When will these
measurements be
<e.g. Weekly for the first
month after project
completion, then
<e.g. Weekly for the first
month after project
completion, then
Owner of benefits
measurement &
<e.g. Dave><e.g. Dave>
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