Fillable Printable Project Planning Template - Duke University
Fillable Printable Project Planning Template - Duke University

Project Planning Template - Duke University

Duke University
Medical Center Library and Archives
Project Planning Template
Project Title________________________________________________
Initial Date of Assignment/Charge to Work Group:________________
Last Major Revision to this Plan :________________________________
Part 1: General Scope of Project
Usually Library Administration or another administrative unit or committee (referred to as
Administration throughout this document) will determine the need for a project planning
group and develop the charge and determine appropriate membership for the Work
Group. Administration will initially complete part 1 to provide the Work Group with
necessary direction to start the planning process. The Work Group will revise Part 1 as
the process is refined and changes are made in conjunction with Administration.
Administrative Group initiating the project/charge:__________________________
1. Project Goal /Charge to Work Group -- Describe the project’s overall goal in terms
of intervention, planned service, or action.
Further clarification of scope or charge by working group:
2. Specific Deliverable(s)/Outcome(s)
3. Background information
Context: What triggered this project?
Who are the stakeholders?
What is the relevant political context for this project?

What internal documentation is available to inform the planning process? If this
documentation is available through the department's intranet, specify file name and
location. How will the information be evaluated in terms of validity and applicability? Use
the “Evaluation of Data” checklist in the appendix to determine how applicable or useful
it is to the process.
Internal Document /
data/ Information
Location/Source –
Person, Intranet, etc.
How applicable/
Useful -- How
useful – 1 not
useful – 5 highly
Used in
project Y/N *
* Keep copies of documentation on file and attach as part of final
report/recommendations given to Administration.
What external documentation is available to inform the planning process? Include
here references to best practices or other evaluative resources. How will the information
be evaluated in terms of validity and applicability? Use the “Evaluation of Data” checklist
in the appendix to determine how applicable or useful it is to the process.
External Document /
data/ Information /
Literature searches
Location/Source –
Person, Web sites,
databases, etc.
How applicable/
useful – 1 not
useful – 5 highly
Used in
* Keep copies of documentation on file and attach as part of final
report/recommendations given to Administration.
4. What additional questions need to be addressed in planning for this project?

5. Role of planning/Work Group [initially completed by Administration
□ Identify issues
□ Create initial proposal for feedback from:________________________
□ Prepare budget
□ Make recommendations
□ Implement plan
□ Other – specify:
6. Time constraints/deadlines
Initial deadline set by administration:
Revised deadline(s) approved by administration:
Reasons for delay or change in deadlines:
7. Budget information
Initial funding available for project :
Revised funding approved by administration:
Reasons for revised budget:
8. Reporting expectations – initially set by Administration for major updates and
□ Library Council – Quarterly
□ Administration □ quarterly □ monthly □ other:__________
□ Management team – specify frequency or date
□ Library/Archives units – specify unit(s) and frequency or dates:
□ External groups – specify group and frequency or dates

PART 2: Planning
1. Members of work group – list members and group(s) they represent:
Who is missing?
Who needs to be involved at certain points or later in the project? Systems, Perkins,
other units/departments?
2. Roles of work group: [recorder, facilitator, minute taker, etc.]
3. What are the various components that need to be considered, what resources
will be used to answer the question and who is responsible for gathering
Component Specific question and source of
Staffing, both
internal and external
Policy and legal
(existing or new)
4. Will the project involve computers, software, and other technology or impact
the network?
□ No
□ Yes – Describe and identify who you will work with IT Services.
5. External groups that need to be involved in discussions and when they need to
be contacted?

6. Timeline for project
List critical milestones and deadlines. Discuss what must be done first before another
step can be taken or decision made. Put in chronological order from beginning of project
to its completion.
Date / deadline Step that must happen
before this can be
completed, if applicable
Start of project
7. Communication plan – This section deals with more procedural and informal
communications – see Part 1, Section 8, for formal reporting requirements.
Communication within the group – by email, paper report, Intranet; special routing list or
existing one? Frequency, format and archiving.
Planning group minutes – responsibilities, archiving, access – restricted or available to
everyone, how to notify when posted
Announcements to external stakeholders such as patrons, other departments
Frequency, Format, Archiving
Who needs to be updated about the project:
Within MCLA:
Frequency, format:
Outside MCLA:
Frequency or timing, format:

Part 3: Implementation Plan
1. Monitoring methods
2. Activities – specify the various steps of the implementation, and who is
3. Expenditures – what must be ordered by whom and by when?
4. Timelines and scheduling
Action /major milestone Date / deadline Step that must happen
before this can be
completed, if applicable
Start of project
5. Quality assurance procedures – what quality measures are needed? [e.g.,
patron receives x 98% of the time] What are the methods for measuring the success
of the implementation?
6. Communication and feedback – types of communication, frequency, and
responsible party.
7. Training – content, schedule and list of trainers
8. Troubleshooting – how problems will be handled, contact person(s), etc.

Part 4. Evaluation
1. What are the measures for success? What will a successful implementation
look like?
2. Outcome evaluation --Mid-term and long-term. Methods for evaluating
outcome? Schedule for evaluation and people responsible.
3. Stakeholder feedback – methods to be used? When?
4. Benchmarking activities
5. Final documentation
Lessons learned
6. Dissemination of results – poster, paper, presentation?
Evaluation of data - checklist
Please consider the following questions:
1. How comparable is the setting to your own?
2. How reliable is the source of this data?
3. If the data was collected in response to a survey:
What was the response rate, and how representative was it of the overall
population being studied?
Are the results complete and have they been analyzed in an easily interpretable
What attempts have been made to ensure reliability of responses?
4. Can the results be applied to the local population or setting?
5. What are the implications of the data for this project
In terms of current services?
In terms of cost?
In terms of the expectations or attitudes of stakeholders?