Fillable Printable Bolt Torque Chart Template
Fillable Printable Bolt Torque Chart Template

Bolt Torque Chart Template

Bolt Torque Chart
Grade 8 Bolt Drill & Torque Chart in foot pounds
Size Threads/Inch Tap Drill Size Decimal Equivalent
Torque - FT LBS. Dry
Torque - FT LBS. Lubricated
1/4" - 20 #7 .201 12 9
1/4" - 28 #3 .213 14 10
5/16" - 24 F .257 25 18
5/16" - 24 I .272 25 20
3/8" - 16 5/16 .3125 45 35
3/8" - 24 Q .332 50 35
7/16" - 14 U .368 70 55
7/16" - 20 25/64 .3906 80 60
1/2" - 13 27/64 .4219 110 80
1/2" - 20 29/64 .4531 120 90
9/16" - 12 31/64 .4844 150 110
9/16" - 18 33/64 .5156 170 130
5/8" - 11 17/32 .5312 220 170
5/8" - 18 37/64 .5781 240 180
3/4" - 10 21/32 .6562 380 280
3/4" - 16 11/16 .6875 420 320
7/8" - 9 49/64 .7656 600 460
7/8" - 14 13/16 .8125 660 500
1" - 8 7/8 .875 900 680
1" - 12 59/64 .9219 1000 740
1" - 14 15/16 .9375 1020 760
Lubricated Includes: Lubricants - Plating - Hardened Washers
Tap Drills: Allow Approximately 75% Full Thread
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