Fillable Printable Boxing Day Messages Sample
Fillable Printable Boxing Day Messages Sample

Boxing Day Messages Sample
Rev. James Riley
Church of Christ
445 Rocky Hill Road
Cedar Rapids, IA 56644
December 26, 2011
Martha Hurley
120 Jacobs Avenue
Cedar Rapids, IA 56644
Dear Martha
Re: Boxing Day message
It is a pleasure to be writing to invite you to join the Church of Christ in the
following noble deed.
As you know, Christmas was celebrated very joyously yesterday with lots of
giving and receiving. Now that it is over (so quickly), please allow me to
invite you to consider the poor and needy who may have been neglected
during the festive season; but it is still not too late! You and I can compile
the so many gifts and cash that we have been blessed with recently to offer
them to the less fortunate and more needy. It would be what our Lord Jesus
would have done!
So, I invite you to bring in your gifts and cash to the church anytime from
today till the end of the year for our administration to sort out for giving
away. We have identified many needy families with young children and
individuals who could do with a kind blessing from our parishioners.
We, at the Church of Christ, would like to thank you in advance for
participating in this noble Boxing Day task. We look forward to your kind
For Jesus,
Rev. James Riley