Fillable Printable Condolence Messages Sample
Fillable Printable Condolence Messages Sample

Condolence Messages Sample
Jacob N. Henry
Production Manager
La Roche Plantations
La Plant, SD 57637
3013 Sardis Street
Dallas, TX 75207
February 10, 2011
Lisa K. Dupuis
Production Department
4796 Corbin Branch Road
Knoxville, TN 37921
Dear Lisa
Re: Deepest Condolences
It is with deep sorrow to hear of your husband’s sudden passing last
Sunday. I am so sorry that it happened so unexpectedly that you had no
time to prepare yourself. I know that you are in quite a shock right now.
Please know that I am here for you in any way you need support.
Should you need someone to make any necessary funeral arrangements or
assist you in some of the legal procedures that are related to deaths,
please feel free to call on me. I will be willing to come by your side. Just say
the word, Lisa.
Don’t worry about work. All is well in the office. Your work responsibilities
have been delegated to cover for you while you take the time off to grieve
and gain back your strength.
Robert was a good man; I am glad I got to know him better through you.
We could click together quite well. I shall miss him dearly and the fishing
trips we used to enjoy together. Thank you for giving me the opportunities
to spend time with Robert on those fishing trips. You never did like fishing,
did you?
Take good care of yourself; I have applied leave on your behalf. Let me
know when you are ready to come back to work. The whole department
sends their condolences. We are here to support you each step of the way.
In sincere sorrow,